#1 March 28th, 2012 02:37 PM


So very excited...

I just found out that my ism  video will be up in less than an hour! How very exciting! Every time I get a new set up on ism it makes me want to shoot myself more. Maybe a project for later this evening?

I know that I had a crazy afternoon running around in the forest, laughing lots and being my silly old self so I can't wait to see what the team is put together.

Not long to wait now, I hope you all like....,.


#2 March 28th, 2012 08:28 PM


Re: So very excited...

hehe. I know the feeling big_smile I'm dying so see up my folios, every time I enter ISM (and that happens a few times per day ) I'm hoping to see my little photo in the right corner big_smile
I can't wait to see your video too big_smile

I am the happiest woman among all women


#3 March 29th, 2012 09:16 AM


Re: So very excited...

Hehe, I just watched it, it even made me laugh. Maybe people will think that I am slightly deranged but that is just me. Silly silly silly.

I will be checking out your work soon Greenkat, and I love your quote by the way. 

Stay fabulous


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