#1 March 27th, 2012 11:01 AM


Is our universe a matrix

Dr Jim Gates explains the possibility.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … W-Y#t=314s

Here he explains it in more detail.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … hg#t=3643s


Last edited by blissed (March 27th, 2012 11:14 AM)


#2 March 27th, 2012 12:44 PM


Re: Is our universe a matrix

Sooooo... I'm going to start with a summary of the what I think Dr Jim Gates is saying. They have discovered the equivalent of computer code in their mathematical descriptions of the universe. These complex equations yeild strings of binary code which are similiar to the error correction codes in computer systems that we use.

A few thoughts. Isn't it a bit of a circular argument to say that we have the used mathematics to discover that the world is based on mathematics? How can that be surprising? I think as well, the key word in the essential debate is these equations that we use to 'describe' the world, does not necessarily equate to how the world actually is. Mathematics is the tool, the world is the world and our lived experience is as valuable a tool as mathematics.

But the part I got really interested was when Dr Gates was asked to describe what led him to draw the conclusion that this code was similiar to the binary input used in communicating with computer processors. The error correction code. This code that computers themselves use to correct 'user' (read as our) input, and translate it into language the processor will interpret correctly. I suddenly thought, hey.... Is this the proof of the Lovelock 'gaia' theory? Has Dr Gates discovered the way the world, our world (i'm not sure where the code was discovered but let me dream for a bit eh?) self-regulates? Could it really be? Has he proved that the earth is a complex organism that self-regulates itself for life to continue upon it's surface by discovering this missing piece of the puzzle which has not been known for the past 30yrs???? Let it be so, please, for the love of the gods!

I don't see how we could live in the matrix blissed. Are you suggesting that this world has been created by higher intelligences or has Gates proved a tautology?

Last edited by artemesia (March 27th, 2012 12:48 PM)


#3 March 28th, 2012 06:25 AM


Re: Is our universe a matrix

Well if I'm gonna start talking about conscious mathematics I can add up and divide and multiply with a calculator, so if the conscious maths conversation is restricted to that that's fine :)

But my subconscious maths is just as brilliant as anyone else or that of a monkey as it swings high up through the trees making complex calculations every second it's life depends on. and so Gates does add a little to my intuitive theory, that if the planck length is the smallest space possible below which space can't exist, then the planck is a pixel which can be stored differently to the way it's expressed. That doesn't mean the universe is a simulation just that it resembles one, and it doesn't mean something made it with the ability to plan and think as we do, it can still have evolved but I think it would help us if we have an open mind about what various kinds of intelligence can exist.

DNA is a thinking machine with a memory of possibilities and it thinks in actions. as it responds through epigenetics in real time to it's surroundings. I don't know anything in depth about the gaia theory but the earths geology appears  to be separate from DNA, which balances intelligently on the geology and manages to survive even when the geology is a lump of rock slamming into earth and turning the whole surface to fire, or presents DNA with white out ice ages.


Last edited by blissed (March 28th, 2012 06:30 AM)


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