#1 October 14th, 2011 05:33 AM


Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

Hey out there! Just wondering if people have been following the movements spinning off of "Occupy Wall Street" here in the U.S. Any thoughts?


#2 October 14th, 2011 09:13 AM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

I'll be in Melbourne on Saturday keeping the protest on for the night shift. I'm hoping the protest will result in some occupation of corporate offices that are irresponsibly destroying the environment... I'll be there with the placard reading,"Stop making Stupid Decisions!" My original plan was to make a giant stuffed octopus but I don't have great sewing skillz.


#3 October 14th, 2011 10:33 AM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

Wheehehehe I have done my best to keep my political inclinations off the boards over at IFeelMyself.com .... so thanks lady Xoxa, for bringing them up here!

I've been following OWS since september 17th, and every time we think things are about to cool down and blow over, it seems they're just getting started. Clearly this is a momentous time for the US - and not just the US. This movement is being supported and enacted all over the world, with protests raging in Ireland, Israel, Greece, Spain, etc etc. People are unsatisfied, and so they are making noise.

Artemesia is referring to our own Occupy Melbourne movement which will happen on Saturday, 15 October. I urge anyone in Melbourne to make an effort to come and share the conversation.

I urge everyone and anyone, even if not attending protests, to educate yourselves about the situation in your country.

Do you feel that your government represents your needs and interests?

Do you feel that your tax dollars and the money you invest are being spent on projects you support?

Do you recognize how your food sources and your environment have been poisoned?

It goes on, but it doesn't have to. Bodies help, but realistically, as a 21st century revolution this is an intellectual movement. The physical presence of supporters will continue to rise and grow in waves of gatherings as the conversations - in forums and on twitter, through grassroots facebook groups and in thousands of blog comments - refuse to cease.

Occupy Wall St is facing eviction today, and we can only wait to hear and see what will happen to their camp in Zucotti Park. But their dispersal is only the beginning. I am looking forward to reading about this in 30 years, and hoping that OWS's place in history will shine as the moment the Americans, too, got off their couches, turned off their air conditioning, and started making necessary changes for a sustainable future.


#4 October 15th, 2011 11:59 AM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

I think this is the 1st time in history large scale deception and fooling nearly everyone all of the time hasn't really been possible. In the past it has,  and people have gone down in history with their deception accepted. Like the president that could never tell a lie :) ………..yeah right …….

Throughout history there's always been a few worldly "men" of the world who knew what was what and now everyone does. What investigative journalists haven't uncovered internet whistle blowers have.

Now we know money with no gold or collateral banked against it's value doesn't exist. The deception that it does only works if we trust the promise to pay the barer, but when the trust is gone and there's nothing to pay the barer with, we have to bail out peoples savings with real money that was going to be spent on other things.

I think where everyone who cares to click on a few links each day can become worldly or think we are :) is a new era humanity has never been in before.



#5 October 18th, 2011 11:39 AM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

Thanks for sharing thoughts! Things are pretty exciting down here. Folks are occupying in Miami, and where I live in Lake Worth people who've never been politicized are waking up and coming out.  It's like this big springboard for people to make connections between issues and see how it's all way bigger than us.  I hope the momentum keeps up!!


#6 October 18th, 2011 03:01 PM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

I think one of the most exciting parts is watching the movement spread to the heartland - the wisconsins and kentuckys and missouris and utahs. Yippee! The internet is everywhere and education is unstoppable.

If you like podcasts, this fascinating exploration of the economic collapse is really enlightening... This American Life on the Inside Job.

Wall Street's call to action on the 13th (the day Bloomberg threatened eviction) yielded a huge crowd of supporters, while not necessarily interesting in occupying the park full-time, nonetheless came out in droves when their numbers were needed. The eviction was called off, and OWS continues. Amazing.

And the protests have gone worldwide as of October 15th. Here are some amazing pictures of what's going on out there. So it's clear that many many people agree - this shit ain't right.

The question is, what happens next?


#7 October 18th, 2011 08:48 PM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

The last thing we want to do is fragment into disagreement. I think one of the placards gave us an idea, "Jail the banksters"

When we deposit (invest) money in the bank we want the highest rate of interest we can get but we want to be fully informed about the ethicacy of how our money is used, if you gave a lot of money to a friend to look after they'd have to be close and very well trusted! the lasst thing anyone wants to do is hand money to a gangster, but that;s whats happened. Sound money lending from veture capital all the way down to the mundane interest on current account overdrafts is a brilliant idea but but it needs trust and honour on both sides. So yea Bankers not Banksters

It's not that ethical behaviour makes less money, commerce needs ethical behaviour of trust and honour to function.

So we can push for moves to restore the ethicacy and so sustainability of the  money business. The other thing we can do can happen right now this second.

That is for us the 99% to be ethical with our own money, aware that we are billions of people with trillions to spend. How those trillions are spent makes a huge difference to the world. A large part of the 1% got rich because we gave and still give them the money and we didn't do that just because we wanted them to be rich. We got something in return. If we are creative ourselves and when we are consumers we demand something ethical everything changes. 



#8 October 21st, 2011 02:15 AM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

Marshal Brain has colected a lot of stuff on Occupy wall street




#9 October 21st, 2011 10:20 AM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

Great link, Blissed, thanks for that.

At the moment, Occupy Wallstreet is still going strong in the US, and here in Melbourne we are following the news moment to moment as the police attempt to evict the protesters who have been camping in the city square. I am of two minds about the situation here - on one hand my heart goes out in solidarity to the worldwide concept of these occupations, and on the other, in Melbourne we have a bit of a fringe group of activists who form the core of the movement, who do not seem necessarily to reflect the beliefs of 99% of the population. Also, a public space has been chosen (as opposed to Wall Street, which is based in a private space whose owners have been moved by thousands of petitioners to allow Wall Street's occupation to continue).

There are other groups who wish to use the public square, who cannot because of the Occupation. If I thought that the Occupation would be unable to achieve what they have begun without staying put, I would believe them to have priority. But thus far, based on Australian conditions and its place in the global game, I believe that we are not quite ready for a public sit-in (numbers have confirmed this) and that this good work can continue from private spaces, allowing the square to be freed for the use of other groups.

Complicated times. I wish this forum hopped a bit more so I could hear from more people. Blissed, did you check out your own occupation? Why did Jullian Assange go talk with you guys and not represent for the Aussies??!


#10 October 21st, 2011 12:33 PM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

I believe Julian Assange is in the UK as part of his bail agreement.  Not possible to protest in Melbourne.


#11 October 21st, 2011 09:38 PM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

I hope Julian Assange goes to jail for ever for publishing the names of people who's only available work is interpreting for the US forces in Afghanistan etc and as I understand it people who've been raped in cultures where that brings shame on their family and punishment or even death for them. And even if the 2nd part isn't true the 1st charge is fucking disgustingly cruel of him and I think he deserves no respect. Respect goes to all the other people who've worked at wikki-leaks who are disgusted by his unredacted publishing too and his childish control freakery. Yeah Mr Assarge can go screw himaelf and I give my kudos to all the other people at wikki-leaks who have a genuine moral whatever (I can't think of the word for it at the moment :)

Anyway :) the protest in Blighty is outside St Pauls cathedral which pretended to be fine with it so not to demonise themselves (no pun intended :) but are now saying the cathedral may have to close to the public because the protest outside the main entrance is making staying open difficult.

Well if I was the bishop my view would be the cathedral isn't a tourist attraction but celebrates Jesus who threw the money lenders out of the temple and it's facilities would now be available to a respectful demo, especially through the winter.

I think a banking crash provoking The occupy movement is an amazing bit of luck and could lead to a domino of events or evolution along a logical path that eventualy avoids a violent revolution from the 99% unemployed.

Because I could write a book about how technology is making people who print books and transport them and sell them in book shops redundant, which would of course be available to download :) If I make any money from that I could spend it at the supermarket using the self service till and then in 6 years time (when RFID chips are cheap enough to place on produce) the walk through http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eob532iEpqk

Later Ai will outpace both human and intellectual endeavour. If 1% own that technology WTF do the rest of us do, kill ourselves? :) and so a violent revolution with nothing left to lose?

I see Occupy as the 1st stage of a peaceful evolution, to a citizens wage, to 3D printers that print themselves and fluid robotics that can tend organic food crops and intricately recycle anything. and a peaceful mindset so that people don't want to print their own guns and sophisticated tiny assassin bots and air space control weapons.

That is how I'd like to  see 2040 and look back at the contribution of Occupy Wall street. That it and it's cultural successors had created a world where even though virtually no trade is needed and so the world isn't interdependent, we still want to live in peace. and if we can't do that without the serious parenting of sophisticated self aware and very wise Ai, don't forget the character, direction and intensions of the Ai will have originated from us. 


Last edited by blissed (October 21st, 2011 09:59 PM)


#12 October 22nd, 2011 10:37 AM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?


#13 October 28th, 2011 08:32 PM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?

Occupy London have issued a series of demands to end a lot of undemocratic privileges I didn't even know existed!

http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/oct/2 … y-st-pauls

The article wrote:

• An end to business and corporate block-votes in all council elections, which can be used to outvote local residents.

• Abolition of existing "secrecy practices" within the City, and total and transparent reform of its institutions to end corporate tax evasion.

• The decommissioning of the City of London police with officers being brought under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police force.

• Abolition of the offices of Lord Mayor of London, the Sheriffs and the Aldermen.

• And a truth and reconciliation commission to examine corruption within the City and its institutions.


Last edited by blissed (October 28th, 2011 08:35 PM)


#14 November 10th, 2011 11:14 AM


Re: Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street/spinoff movements?


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