#1 October 4th, 2011 11:38 AM


The folios you just keep coming back to....

Hi everyone!

This is my first post ever on ISM, exciting!

So as a long time lurker and blatant folio reoffender/returner, what are some of the folios that everyone returns to again and again?

I can think of a few that have captured my imagination and there are of course clearly some artists we can mention by name and sigh... Bobby, Dwam, Viva, Manko, Nio... but I know that deep down in the hidden depths of ISM there is some classic gold.

Anyone out there willing to share?



#2 October 4th, 2011 04:44 PM


Re: The folios you just keep coming back to....

Delete and Shoezies vids....so crazy and exciting.  And most of Little's stuff.  Hers were some of the first folios I edited and ones that particularly stood out in my mind.  Primalscream 27 and 28 always come to mind.

Last edited by veronicaf (October 5th, 2011 09:48 AM)


#3 October 5th, 2011 09:26 AM


Re: The folios you just keep coming back to....

I've been around a while so I've got a few classics. Veve, Shira, Annalogue, India, Pia, Hyperballad and lucysinclair. Some newer contributors that I just love, apart from those already mentioned, Slitrin and Joana. My most favourite folio on the site is Gala's duet with Jones, 'Innerspace'.


#4 October 5th, 2011 09:50 AM


Re: The folios you just keep coming back to....

ooooo innerspace was good..... clicky 1 and clicky 2


#5 October 5th, 2011 10:06 AM


Re: The folios you just keep coming back to....

I love this thread, what a great idea! If everyone links to the folios they share, the folios will get seen even more so go ahead and throw a url tag in if you're feeling savvy...

I've had a crush on chica since I was an ISM noviate... and my favorite folio from her is palimpsest. Other folios I am head over heels with are Palabras Frescas by Noefois, Photospere by Blueveins, Glitterpod by Amy X, and that duet, Jeux de Roles by Dwam and Purdey... damn.

I have to second Bobby on Gala/Jones' duet Innerspace. Unbelievably sexy normal hot everyday gorgeous fucking sucking bicycle coming fixing long sleeved bed days... yeah it's hot, it's that sexy we all know, but no one ever gets to see, and incidentally, it's that kind of sex that turns us on, in real life and now vicariously thanks to Gala's grasp of what's hot.

Obviously all of Nio's work is very very special,. oh so very special. ...

and I used to have a list somewhere.. so I'll be back.


#6 October 5th, 2011 10:16 AM


Re: The folios you just keep coming back to....

I love Van Del too. and I can't forget Claire R's primary, so beautiful... Fille Au Fil.


#7 October 14th, 2011 12:29 PM


Re: The folios you just keep coming back to....

Ok, so i'm gonna hit you with my list compiled so far. I think the shoots I dig the most are the crazy scenic ones. The ones were the contributors bodies become like a lunar landscape in the settings they choose to shoot or colour is one of the main themes in the shoot. But firstly I have to second Claire_R, but I think my favourite is the video and the accompanying folio....

SO I'm gonna bring back Sequin Smut & Lunar for the great makeup and location. Similiarly I really dug Isidore for the intensity and scary wowness of her expressions.

I recently rediscovered Daniella's series yellow, white, pink and it's so pretty. Makes me think of the walls in Oroborus's recent upload and Prince Oliver's video. But I think the absence of background in Makoumba's primary is simply amazing as well.

Geez so many pretty things, I'm gonna keep posting updates to this list smile

Also curious about what are the favourite folio's that people have shot of themselves... Got a few more to share peeps???


#8 October 21st, 2011 06:37 PM


Re: The folios you just keep coming back to....

Straight off the top of my head:
for giving me that "it's good to be alive" feeling, Angellina's three sets;
for a combination of wit, camerawork and subtle eroticism, Daniella's colour trilogy


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