#1 August 10th, 2011 12:18 AM


WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

Maybe in a perfect world where everybody had incredibly perfect vision the current design rage of doing everything in pastels would work ... but for people who are aging and where vision problems are a rapidly growing problem, designing a webpage that uses pale gray for the font and lays that over a white background so that contrast is at a bare minimum is just making life more intolerable for people who have vision problems. 

With the current design of this site your Home page and the Comments on Artist folios just became that much harder to read and comprehend and more of a frustration ... Needless to say, I personally am not impressed with the needless aggravation and the forced potential loss of a website I always liked, have belonged to for some time, and which really doesn't have an equal ...
But unfortunately as my vision departs, slowly but surely, your site with its limiting and difficult to read pages will also disappear from my life ...

I do reaalize that the perfect sighted population will appreciate and laud the changes and that I belong to a minority group and would be out voted anyway.

Just making my feelings known ...

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#2 August 10th, 2011 01:39 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

ashmedi wrote:

...designing a webpage that uses pale gray for the font and lays that over a white background so that contrast is at a bare minimum is just making life more intolerable for people who have vision problems.

You are right. You are 110% right.

I didn't even think about that when I applauded the changes. I hate the way a lot of things are designed in this world. The need for new and varied perspectives in design and problem solving is what got me in -- and keeps me in -- the engineering profession. Your comment hit me hard. Even though I had nothing to do with the deign of this web page I feel like I screwed up. I should have noticed.

A few months ago at a workshop on new building accessibility standards the presenter talked about renovations to the new town hall. She said that after the renovations were complete  an accessibility committee toured the building (Why not before? I don't know.). This comment she relayed from a visually impaired committee member struck me the most, "It's not bad, but it be a hell of a lot easier to get around if you hadn't made the floor, the walls, and the baseboard all the same damn colour". I'm paraphrasing, but you get the point. To my eye the gray floor, light gray walls, blue gray trim all looked very different, but to this man it looked like a room without walls - no beginning and no end. I remember thinking, hum, note to self "self, contrasting walls and floors make peoples lives easier".

It's interesting (funny?) how we learn. Step one awareness (someone tells a story where the committee guy says WTH is with the walls). Step two noticing it somewhere else (hum, these walls in this building are contrasting I wonder if that was on purpose). Step three fucking up (wow! what a great background colour). Step four acknowledging fucking up (see above). Step five actually learning and being able to apply lesson generally (gee, admin I love the new colour, but I bet it would be way easier for everyone who enjoys the site to read if it were more contrasting).

If it makes you feel any better Ashmedi you just made me, and everyone I tell this story, infinitely better designers -- and not just on the web.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Last edited by jane_e (August 10th, 2011 01:46 AM)


#3 August 10th, 2011 05:56 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

I haven't looked at it from that point of view... my first thought was "Wow, this looks great!"

"Art can never exist without naked beauty being displayed."-William Blake

Newest folio!
http://www.ishotmyself.com/public/view_ … ?g=quicken


#4 August 10th, 2011 11:16 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

Ashmedi, I'm a bit confused. Comparing the text on this forum with the homepage I think there is far more contrast in the new design. My eyesight is still pretty good (though tired at looking at monitors for 10 hours a day!) so I speak from a privileged position and can not see what you see but is the text that you would read every day (so not counting the sub headings etc - which you would be familiar with anyway as a super long time supporter) really more difficult to read because it's on a white background? Possibly the font is smaller but from memory you have a resolution trick to sort that out. I can see why the comments would be tricky but what other information are you having a problem with?


#5 August 10th, 2011 12:31 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

Not that I don't trust human perceptions or anything, but I just found this super cool Contrast Analyzer. You can enter the foreground and background colours (in RBG or HEX or just by clicking) and it tells you the "colour visibility" based on an algorithm developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (don't worry I've never heard of them either).

Based on my very unscientific test it looks like the new colour scheme is pretty close to getting green check marks for both colour/brightness difference and luminosity. Bobby. Ashmedi. You are probably both right. It might just take a smige darker gray to improve the visibility or a smige more squinting to see it. It might be interesting (at a Feck Christmas party or something) to run the test with the old colour scheme and the new one. Either way all good stuff to think about, especially as SonicErotica makes its re-debut this week.


#6 August 10th, 2011 12:32 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

My eyesight isn't great and I find the new version easier to read.  I find that after using a site with a dark background for a while, you get the negative of it imprinted on your retina which makes it harder to re-adjust to whate-based pages (which is mosto fo the web these days).  I agree the font could be larger and or more elongated in places, and we'll play with that a bit.  I've also noticed it renders differently in each browser, what are you using Ashmedi?


#7 August 11th, 2011 12:46 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

I will respond to each post a bit later, I'm dealing with my fav black and white big male cat (Psycho) who is 12 and has not eaten or drank for 4 days except for kitty treats (which he brought up last night and I stepped in this morning) as far as I can tell, and the other 12 yr old black female (Angel) is only eating the canned food primarily and some treats sad
Psycho was at the emerg vet last Sat and the female vet showed visible signs of fear around Psycho as he got aggressive and threatened to bite her and me, they heavily sedated him for a cursory exam and now I have to figure out how to get him back to my normal vet without damage ...

But to answer your question Head, I use IE v8 and I am still using XP as I don't like Windows 7 ... They are not altered in any way, all using standard defaults ...

This forum looks different than yesterday, Has it been changed ???
I thought yesterdays background was medium grey, not light like I see today ...
Incidentally, this design is easier to read than the old one on grey ...

Last edited by ashmedi (August 11th, 2011 08:49 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#8 August 11th, 2011 07:23 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

What about having both designs?  I am a programer and I know it's not that difficult to implement.  Just need to add an option asking people which design they want for their session... Upon their selection, they will get one design or another.  In some jargon speak it's called a "skin" and for a web site, it's implemented with Style Sheet.  People could even have an option to permanently get the same design each time they go to the site... their choice will be remembered in a "cookie". Actually the site could have multiple designs to choose from...
If I had to choose, I will select the old design because it's more Earth friendly... The display needs less energy to render a dark background... light backgrounds are not energy savvy.

Last edited by jp_foucault (August 11th, 2011 07:38 AM)


#9 August 11th, 2011 11:59 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

That's a good idea JP  Could I make a suggestion I fiddled very slightly with the website design last night and I've posted the result here

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll9/ … s/ISM5.jpg


If you take the design down from white to a subtle mix of light greys the text has to be darkened and the whole thing is easier to see and read and images appear richer as the white highlights stand out as would the thin white lines in the take a free tour box. So if you look on my ajustment I've darkened the background a little (at the far right of the image is a small line showing the current shade) and placed some grey under the coming up on ISM photo strip which is above the central image. The shade I used could cover the rest of the area thats now white and the coming up strip could go slightly darker again. That would give a mixture of greys. I've also made the Shot in the title more of a spring green than a spinnach green. I think light is a lovely direction for the home page design but I know in a room how much I prefer off whites and greys for their ability to enhance wall images and colour in a room as compared to stark white walls.

Ash how do you get on with beautifull agony, I think that's always been light. Hope your kittys get better. 


Last edited by blissed (August 12th, 2011 12:27 AM)


#10 August 12th, 2011 05:24 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

Every modern photo editing software lets you edit your photos in a dark background... it's less distracting... it's the equivalent of the light-box when you were watching your argentic film contact sheets... yes I am so old that I worked with argentic film... 
Every photo site should have the possibility for the viewer to see the photos with a dark background...  not only it's easier and less distracting for the eye but it uses less electricity for your display to render it... hence I would prefer to have the possibility to go back to the old, darker, more Planet Friendly ISM site design... hence I would love ISM to let each viewer choose the design he/she would like to use for his/her session on the site.  I will never stress it enough but it's very, very, very easy to implement.


#11 August 12th, 2011 02:48 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

It's not that easy to implement.  For starters it means doubling the amount of work each time we make a change to the design (and we fiddle with it quite a lot).  Secondly, not everything is controlled by style sheets and not all the same style sheet.  The forum is completely different.  So are the pages hosted by the billing company.

Dogs bark, caravans move, things change with time, that's the nature of the world.  The old design was great in 2005 but it was out of date a couple of years ago.

This is only a paint job, the real changes will come to effect in the next few months, with significant new functionality and improvements in video and image size and quality.  I'm sorry but it's going ot use more power becuase you'll want to spend more time here clicking on all the fun things...

Blissed, you have some good ideas there, we should put you on the Redesign Committee.


#12 August 12th, 2011 10:27 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

jp_foucault wrote:

The display needs less energy to render a dark background... light backgrounds are not energy savvy.

The fine people at Google seem to disagree. Somewhat surprisingly, they (whoever "they" are) say in, "Is Black the new green?" that:

On flat-panel monitors (already estimated to be 75% of the market), displaying black may actually increase energy usage.

Who knew?

Just for kicks let's assume there are 1000 people visiting the site for, umm I dunno an average of 15 minutes a day and that 25% of them have old school 17" CRT monitors. Based on internet data, these users experience energy savings of roughly 10%. Not accounting for the possible increase in power consumption for those of us using LCD screens, switching to a darker background could save as much 0.5 kWh per day. This is the same energy used to run a 60 W light-bulb for 8 hours. While this isn't completely insignificant, it's safe to say that the number of LCD screens is on the rise so as the (quote) "caravan moves" the energy savings from a black background will be less and less.

Just to be on the safe side, I think we should all stick to filling our monitors with dark shadowy images like good o'l number one hundred and eighty two.

Last edited by jane_e (August 12th, 2011 10:32 PM)


#13 August 15th, 2011 12:33 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

I'm late getting back to the party sad I had an extensive reply typed last week and while proof reading it for typos my power fluxed on a clear blue day and everything went down ... Two days later I tried again, that one was shorter, and how I managed to click the Back button before posting it ... If you haven't done that yet, clicking forward doesn't return your post sad … This time I am composing in Word and saving so I can’t lose it 

My original bitch, comment, complaint, or observation depending on how you read it used the new design as an example, but I could have just as easily snarled about any and all new website designs everywhere, Operating Systems like Win7 with its small font and pastel links, other commercial software I have where the fonts are smaller and the design is worse, appliances where the designer thought small white font on silver was classy or pale gray on white was sleek for appliances, keyboard accessories like keyboards with dark gray letters on black, the controls on my monitor which are engraved black on black ... I'm still using an old white keyboard because I can't deal with the new sleek class ... so, nothing personal ...

I was only speaking for myself, not the world as most of it sees just fine, I am not speaking for the vision impaired or those with ARMD as everybody would have their own unique comments and my 2 eyes are totally unlike anybody else so my problems are unique to me and probably unique to the specialist as well …

Jane ... Cute story, just recently noticed you are a fellow Canuck smile

Bobby … I have trouble with all the sister site forums, IFM I use Greyscale, but some of the Blue on grey is virtually impossible to read. The reply and new posts I would make are the easiest to see, they appear to be grey on white although I don’t think they really are … I am currently sitting about 18 inches away from a 28” monitor which has an aspect ratio of 16:10 which provides at least one more inch vertically than a 16:9 and my resolution is set to 1440 x 900, not the optimum monitor setting, but there is no way I could anything if I took the max suggested …I am too freakin stubborn to use Ctrl+ to make the font larger inside IE, and I will resist re-installing Zoomtext until I absolutely have to. I really think if the font was a tad larger and a bit darker it would be easier to read … IFM home page has good contrast as the BG is an absolute (pure black) and the font is only 17 numbers away from pure white on the RGB scale. I screen printed it and copied it to Paintshop Pro (poor mans Adobe) and did a negative image so that the font was 17 numbers away from black on a pure white BG and it was just as easy to read … So, I’m not arguing about dark vs light backgrounds, my problem is lack of contrast caused by the font colour and size …

Did see something weird that anybody could try if they wanted.
If you screenprint both the IFM and the ISM home page with the text and paste that into Paintshop or Photoshop, blow it up to 800% or 1000%, what colours do you see?? I do not see shades of grey on the ISM Home page with my eyes or the colour picker … I am seeing Dark blue or dark purple (depending on what sites and areas) and the anti-aliasing pixels to the left of the verticals are in the pale RG spectrum and the pixels to the right are in the pale Blue spectrum. I believe the small font face is being further degraded by the anti-aliasing and wonder if the site did actually pick pure grey or something like 160 145 163 which is not grey, that is pale purple … But I do see pure grey on the IFM Home page ... And I am unable to determine whether bother sites use the same font face or size, based on how well I see IFM compared to ISM I would guess the Font faces and sizes are differnt, but it may be mainly the colour of the ISM font or apparent colour due to anti-aliasing ...

Jane … I checked out your link, totally confused by their comments and formulas, I did notice they kept stressing Colour Blindness and they may be right for that malady, but not mine … Very interesting tho and thanks for that 

Head … I agree that dark is no better than light, but do need same contrast as IFM … That site is (from memory) Font 238 238 238 on 0 0 0 … The negative image equally easy to read is Font 17 17 17 on 255 255 255 … either is good, and the colour picker shows that the font on IFM is a true grey 
Already answered this aspect, but I am using IE8 and XP, all standard defaults and no customization …

I know 2 unique designs is feasible, but I attempted that on a very simple personal website and went bonkers as it was at least twice the work to maintain … not suggesting 2 designs, or dark or light, just adequate contrast … Like IFM 

Blissed … I appreciate your input, the ideas sound OK but the supporting image is too small to see the areas changed, couldn’t find a way to make to make larger to see 

I would be interested in what anybody sees if they do the screenprint and blow it up, and I think the relative differences between the high contrast IFM and the lower contrast of ISM should be able to be seen, and equally so if you use negative images of both sites to properly compare apples to apples, and not oranges 

There was a time I could check the source coding and locate the Hex or RGB codings for Fonts, BG, Links etc, but I can’t understand the new codings anymore and can’t find what I’m looking for …

Last edited by ashmedi (August 15th, 2011 12:42 PM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#14 August 16th, 2011 12:04 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

ashmedi wrote:

Jane ... Cute story, just recently noticed you are a fellow Canuck

Canadian, yes. Cute? Really? Are you sure you didn't mean to use some other adjective? Like dan-geeeer-ous?

ashmedi wrote:

I checked out your link, totally confused by their comments and formulas, I did notice they kept stressing Colour Blindness and they may be right for that malady, but not mine …

I think the key to understanding formulas is to mostly ignore them. If you skim past all the information at the bottom of the page there is a link to download what turns out to be a pretty elegant little program. You can enter the RGB codes and it tests the contrast. There are extra tests for roughly 10 different kinds of colour blindness but the default tests are not colour blindness related. Anyways, I had a great deal of fun entering RGB numbers and finding the threshold values...other people may not find that as amusing as me....though I can't imagine why! If Bobby can hook us up with the actual values (which I think as you've mentioned probably fall into the realm of purple rather than pure greyscale) we can put the new colour scheme to the test. Dun, dun da....


#15 August 17th, 2011 06:00 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

jane_e wrote:

..... Cute? Really? Are you sure you didn't mean to use some other adjective? Like dan-geeeer-ous?

Ahh Jane ... I guess "cute" didn't really cut it, so maybe more like "that figures" or "dozey clowns" or "Freakin unbelievable" ...

Over the years from school to my understanding of Graphic Software, my understanding of basic color mixing as well as the RGB decimal or hex notated shades used by software and hardware, I have always been able to understand the mechanics of Contrast to the Normally Sighted person. I know that some complimentary colours provide good contrast for reading, and some do not. Usually B and W provide stark contrasts as they are at opposite ends of the RGB scale, good contrast can be achieved if the FG and BG numbers are widely separated so that 0 and anthing higher than 236 will give a good contrast depending on the actual colours, and 255 and anything lower than 17 also work.
Accpted standards are Yellow and Blue, Black and White, Yellow and Black, the latter 2 contrasts are offerred by Zoomtext for the custom keyboards they sell. Back in the old days, probably before you were born, schools used white chalk on black (dark gray) slate and that worked. Then some jackass decided that Yellow Chalk on a medium Green slate would be better ... NOT ...

I didn't download that tool because I didn't figure it would tell me anything I don't already know, but I will do so just so I can see it in operation.

I think we must have something in common because I can understand you being amused by the numbers game, you are an engineer after all smile

Anyways, I don't really expect any changes altho I do believe in Spocks outlook ... "The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many" ... or was it the other way around smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#16 August 17th, 2011 08:32 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

OK, These are results and it should be noted that I, with my dying or dead receptors, do not necessarly agree with the results of the tool.

The Hex numbers entered are the font colour as determined by a screenprint of ISM Home page, paste to Paintshop Pro, and use of a colour picker to get RGB decimal values, then Calculator to convert to Hex.
Their tool is looking for a simple value picked from a Rainbow selection, but does allow, not easily, a generated colour based on different values for RGB as opposed to one equal value for all ...

Font colour is ... #744891 ... BG colour is ... FFFFFF

It should be noted that the slider in the tool used to select the predominant colour, Blue, was only about 62% of the max value (FF) available, measured with a ruler, visually in the tool, 2 out of 3.25 ... the value of Blue is closer to white than black

It could also be noted that a negative image of IFM Home page would show a Font colour of approx 17 decimal or 11 Hex

Algoritm ... Colour Brightness

Foreground:#744891  Background:#FFFFFF

colour difference :432/brightness difference :162

The difference in brightness between the two colours is sufficient. The threshold is 125, and the result of the foreground and background colours is 162

The difference in colour between the two colours is not sufficient. The threshold is 500, and the result of the foreground and background colours is 432

Note: Whilst the colour difference doesn't comply with the W3C specified range, it does comply with the range used by Hewlett Packard. Hewlett Packard recommends a colour difference limit of 400.
*** I don't care what HP thinks ***
Algoritm ... Luminosity

Foreground:#744891  Background:#FFFFFF

The contrast ratio is: 6.8:1

Text passed at Level AA

Text failed at Level AAA

Large text passed at Level AA

Large text passed at Level AAA

Text or diagrams and their background must have a luminosity contrast ratio of at least 5:1 for level 2 conformance to guideline 1.4,

and text or diagrams and their background must have a luminosity contrast ratio of at least 10:1 for level 3 conformance to guideline 1.4.

Note: Fonts that are extraordinarily thin or decorative are harder to read at lower contrast levels.
Contrast Results for Colour Blindness

Normal - The contrast ratio is: 6.8:1
Protanopia - The contrast ratio is: 7.4:1
Deuteranopia - The contrast ratio is: 6.4:1
Tritanopia - The contrast ratio is: 7.1:1

Note: I have no f'n idea what they are talking about on this test and am too confused to check the web site ...

Last edited by ashmedi (August 17th, 2011 08:46 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#17 August 17th, 2011 03:21 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

ashmedi wrote:

The Hex numbers entered are the font colour as determined by a screenprint of ISM Home page, paste to Paintshop Pro, and use of a colour picker to get RGB decimal values, then Calculator to convert to Hex...

This is what we get for bringing numbers into a perfectly nice place like a porn (ahem erotica) forum. I think maybe I'll go back to doing my nails and waiting for Blissed to finish inventing the Jane's Ultimate Sex Snuggie™.


#18 August 17th, 2011 08:38 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

jane_e wrote:
ashmedi wrote:

The Hex numbers entered are the font colour as determined by a screenprint of ISM Home page, paste to Paintshop Pro, and use of a colour picker to get RGB decimal values, then Calculator to convert to Hex...

This is what we get for bringing numbers into a perfectly nice place like a porn (ahem erotica) forum. I think maybe I'll go back to doing my nails and waiting for Blissed to finish inventing the Jane's Ultimate Sex Snuggie™.

I did accidentally omit one crucial step that was done ... After the image was pasted to Paintshop Pro, it was magnified 800% to ensure that I could get the colour picker on the darkest pixels in the font for an accurate maximum decimal value of the RGB components ...

Hope your nails turned out OK ... What colour did you use ... (as described in the RGB annotation, either hex or decimal, I can figure it out from that smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#19 August 18th, 2011 12:10 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

About the Blissed and Jane's super fantastic ultimate sex snuggie™ there is a technical hitch and it's in my head. I'm well qualified to work on the development of the name, it's the rest of it that might take a while and need a bit of book learning smile which I'm not very good at.

Ash I'm amazed at what you've come up with there, and haven't got clue what it all means smile



#20 August 18th, 2011 11:28 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

Well Blissed, I am just playing around .....  smile

If I can get the image to link in it will be an example of darker text and higher contrast. I did another screen print from ISM Home, and pasted it into Painshop Pro. I cropped to get one paragraph of text. I then selected all the white pixel, the background and cut them out, that left me with only the pixels used for the Font, main body and anti-aliasing. Then I copied the Font blurb pixels to get 5 copies, or 5 identical paragraphs.
I did not change the Font face, size, or colour range, it is still a purplish shade, but I did make each paragraph darker than the preceding one by 20 decimal numbers in the RGB spectrum. I saved the file as a .PNG as that is a lossless format as opposed to .JPG which is a lossy format which compresses the pixel information and actually corrupts the lossless images that are native to Paintshop Pro and Adobe Photoshop.
Even tho I reduced the numbers by 20 per paragraph, the last paragraph is still a long way from a pure gray and even further from black.

The 1st paragragh is the default and the main font colour was ... 116  72  145
The 2nd paragraph is darker by 20 and the main font colour is ... 96  52  125
The 3rd paragraph is darker by 20 and the main font colour is ... 76  32  105
The 4th paragraph is darker by 20 and the main font colour is ... 56  12  85
The 5th paragraph is darker by 20 and the main font colour is ... 36  00  65

The mathematicians will notice that a flat 20 reduction is not quite the same colour in Paragraph 5 as it is in 1 ... It's close enough ... I could have figured out the actual ratios of R to G and to B but it would have taken longer and I bet no one reads this anyway ...

Hmmm ... Thought that would link in at the correct size, oh well, Just click the image and you will see the result in exactly the same font size and face as the ISM Home Page smile


Last edited by ashmedi (August 18th, 2011 11:40 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#21 August 18th, 2011 05:48 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

Well it all lets the designers know what is most visible for you. Which one of the paragraphs on the link is easiest for you to read. For me the 2nd one down is the easiest on the eye. I think that's the challenge, having text that's easy on the average eye so it can be read comfortably and easiest for challenged vision to discern.



#22 August 19th, 2011 12:17 AM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

I suppose 3 or 4 are more adequate.

If you greatly magnify the font to see what is really on your display that your eyes actually see and your brain interprets for your benefit, it is amazing that it is even understandable at all as definite readable shapes.

It does point out 3 shortcomings affecting what I see tho, I think the Font face is very thin, the size is very small (I use 12 mainly where I get a choice, 10 is passable) , and very purple (Red component is almost 3/4 of the Blue component) and with high numbers approaching white attached to the RGB components.

NOTE: One of the reasons the darker versions look clunky and just plain bad is that I used a sledgehammer approach in creating the paragraph since I could not recreate the text in the Font face and size used ... The sledgehammer also darkened all the anti-aliasing pixels by the same numbers and if typed, the anti-aliasing pixels would have been lighter ... I just didn't have hours to manipulate the paragraphs pixel by pixel with the correct values ...

And I've beaten this to death so I guess that's all I have to say ...

Last edited by ashmedi (August 19th, 2011 07:48 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#23 August 23rd, 2011 02:13 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

ashmedi wrote:

Hope your nails turned out OK ... What colour did you use ... (as described in the RGB annotation, either hex or decimal, I can figure it out from that smile

Haha. It will take significantly more than a strategically placed smiley face for me to talk "code" on here!

Blissed wrote:

About the Blissed and Jane's super fantastic ultimate sex snuggie™ there is a technical hitch and it's in my head. I'm well qualified to work on the development of the name, it's the rest of it that might take a while and need a bit of book learning which I'm not very good at.

I seriously doubt that. I figure that anyone who can recognize the genius of RitchandFamous Bibbles can build a long distance touch simulator with little to no problem. Regardless, the name should sell itself. I bet 9 out of 10 people reading this thread are already wondering where to get their Jane and Blissed's Super Fantastic Ultimate Super Secret Sex Snuggie™.


#24 August 23rd, 2011 09:57 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

jane_e wrote:

... Haha. It will take significantly more than a strategically placed smiley face for me to talk "code" on here!

Well, ya can't blame a guy for trying smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#25 August 25th, 2011 12:54 PM


Re: WTH is the matter with WebPage designers?

Jane wrote:

I figure that anyone who can recognize the genius of RitchandFamous Bibbles can build a long distance touch simulator with little to no problem.

OK I'll do it but give me a few days, then I have to brush up on my business wankspeak so I can get funding, going forward, and then I'll have the sex snuggie ready. and the Blissed and  Jane's Super Fantastic Ultimate Super Secret Sex Snoggle spoon.

It's a dessert spoon that works on the same principle, that you can kiss.



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