#51 August 4th, 2011 12:32 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

A lot of really great suggestions have already been made, if only I could "like" the posts where they were mentioned, alas. It looks like this post was started years ago, and I have no idea where things are at now. I guess at this point we can just start lobbying for the things we don't get when the new version comes out...

More of a list person than a "crazy ape shit stream of conscious babbling" kinda person, but here it goes.

1. Random Folio Button - Despite being poo poo'ed by Admin I think this is a great idea. Cate proposed it and it was seconded by Veronicaf and Gethsemane. By my count that makes it four against one. I'm pretty sure I have spent (read: wasted) many hours being surprised by the "Surprise me!" button on Smitten Kitchen and could do the same here.

2. Separate Artist Statements - We have Gala to thank for this idea. It seems like lots of contributors and subscribers (9 to be exact) agree. I think this goes hand in hand with Redbird's suggestion to keep the blurbs with the folios. I love the blurbs. It would also be cool if artists could add captions to the photos. Like this painting by Andrew King some photos would be a million times more meaningful, thought provoking, and hilarious displayed with three or four words from the artist.

3. Photo viewer - I tried to convince myself that scrolling down to see the rest of photo 081 in Simple is True adds to the sensual experience on a 12" laptop screen. Tried and failed. It would be nice, as suggested by Folly, if the photos fit on the screen and if a thumbnail type viewer thing were added.

4. Categories - Clearly highly controversial. I definitely wouldn't want to be labeled a redheaded MILF with HUGE nipples -- and not just because I am none of those things. I do, however, love tag clouds and I think one on the main page would be a great way to get people into the archives. I like the idea of non-contributor centered tags with labels like "beach" or "apples" or "sharp pointy metal things". It would also be cool to see based on the cloud hierarchy what themes come up more often than others.

5. Comment notification - I feel like it goes without saying that in both the folios and on the message board it would be great to have the option of being notified when a new reply is made. There are two votes (three with mine) for this feature.

6. Rating description - This is a really small thing but it drives me crazy (generally) when there are little symbols but no explanation for what they really mean. It would be nice if when you clicked or rolled over N, R, or X there was a definition. If I wanted to make a nice little N folio, just for example, I would have no idea what I would be allowed to touch. Ankles? Are those OK???? I just don't know.

7. Link for Free Photo of the Day - Gotta get these linked to the folio they come from. Some (read: most) people are lazy and it seems deserving contributors are missing out on easy to get Feckshare.

There are probably lots of other things, but I'll end it there for now. I will try to think of crazy things. It will be hard, but I will try.


#52 August 5th, 2011 05:55 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Thanks Jane_E, I completely agree on the link for the photo of the day and I'm quite keen on the folio theme categories as well.  There are quite a few themes that come up very VERY regularly and I really think this could give contributors an idea of what to avoid if they want their folio to stand out most.


#53 August 9th, 2011 07:15 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Awesome suggestions there Jane.  You should get a job here so I can spend more time on my New World Manifesto and buying useless things on Ebay.


#54 August 9th, 2011 11:37 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Head wrote:

Awesome suggestions there Jane.  You should get a job here so I can spend more time on my New World Manifesto and buying useless things on Ebay.

If by Ebay you mean Etzy or better yet Regretsy then we can talk jobs. I couldn't work for anyone that wouldn't consider buying everyone in the office their very own Pizza Slice Hair Clip. It took me roughly three entries to get it, but the "Someone really likes..." category also provides many a great gift idea.

Back on topic, the new colour scheme looks great. I also really like the decrease in the amount of flashing things on the front page. Are there more changes to come? I feel like the free tour could be more engaging -- more like a slide show -- with a few words and still images and possibly even music.

Oh and other suggestions. Snake warning. You really need to warn people about snakes. I don't mind snakes. I just need to be forewarned so I can prepare for it. Fey's folio this morning actually almost gave me a heart attack and photo 103 is of, well...it's of a scarf.


#55 August 10th, 2011 09:06 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

On the Contributors Profile showing the Folios and/or Videos the Rating has disappeared ... They used to say N, R, or X ... ?????

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#56 August 10th, 2011 12:04 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Categories. I wonder how we could do that in an interactive way without it regressing into 'puffy nipples' and 'smooth as satin'. While I really see less personal (such as the ones Jane suggested) categories could be cool and useful (not as cool as the random folio button) I'm a little apprehensive. Categories perform a specific and important function which is to compartmentalise and simplify. It's about control which is fine for organising objects or genres but when applied to a persons physical or personality attributes (particularly in the context of porn) it is dehumanizing in the most insipid of ways. I would personally benefit significantly from a kitteh is gate crashing category so anyone with any ideas about this....


#57 August 10th, 2011 12:29 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

ashmedi wrote:

On the Contributors Profile showing the Folios and/or Videos the Rating has disappeared ... They used to say N, R, or X ... ?????

The distinction between N and R was ptretty useless wasn't it?  We will now have an 'explicit content' warning in place of X.


#58 August 10th, 2011 03:45 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

and a K for kittehs, yes?


#59 August 10th, 2011 10:22 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

bobby_h wrote:

and a K for kittehs, yes?

Since I love cats that is a definitly smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#60 August 11th, 2011 07:53 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I will go with redbird propositions 1, 3, 5 and 6… (post #20 on September 13, 2009) to which I would like to add that having more search options (hairy, natural, furry, trimmed, bald, breast sizes, tall, petites, red head, etc., etc.) for selecting folios seems like a long overdue must have.
Tagging favorite folios, artists, photos, etc. would be great too.


#61 August 12th, 2011 12:21 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

JP I know it might not seem like it at the time but choosing from catergories is a really unhealthy way to use porn and one of the  drawbacks of mainstream porn. by falling into this trap we narrow our libidos arousal to it's very specific favourites in a way that unless we're a total love magnet :) picking hysterically aroused groupies from a crowd :) we just can't do in real life. So with specific choices in place our libido then narrows and focuses on those preferences, slowley shutting out and ignoring the other wonderful options all around us. It also encourages a selfish objectification rather than a subjective appreciation which is a lovely grove that's so easy to get into here, with so many intimate shots of all the diverse kinds of beauty of people you can imagine desire you and that are shared by the people that may actually desire you yourself in the world around you :)


Last edited by blissed (August 12th, 2011 12:22 AM)


#62 August 12th, 2011 04:03 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

blissed, I totally understand your point... but would like to keep the suggestion of having more search options for selecting folios.


#63 September 7th, 2011 01:39 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Because I haven't seen it mentioned, has anyone considered utilising search terms by letting the contributor decide how to tag her own folio?

Also random button would be fantastic - by the way, Jane, if you haven't made smitten's Raspberry Buttermilk everyday cake yet, do. People think I'm a some sort of cake angel when I feed it to them.

For me, the functionality of the forum is really limited by the topic preview bar we have currently. It is confusing and makes the forum seem stale, which is a recursive loop - if it seems boring, people won't be interesting in posting, and then it will be boring. On IFM the neccesity of clicking into the forum helps - and when you get there, different colors alerting you to the prescence of new topics makes it exciting to visit and keeps the conversation flowing. Since ISM actually has a new contributor receive their password every day with each primary, there's no reason why we shouldn't have amazing and stimulating forums here, too.

Although I must say theyve been more active this last month, so kudos to those of you posting!

Last edited by viva (September 7th, 2011 02:04 PM)


#64 September 9th, 2011 02:58 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

bubby wrote:

There are some excellent ideas here.
I guess I can only give suggestions from the viewpoint of a contributor but I would definitely agree that it would be good to have updated profiles/artist statements for each folio. I first contributed back in 2004 and my life and views and reasons for contributing have changed a lot since then, so my profile really doesn't reflect who I am now.

Yes! Let's find a way to go back and really edit what we're in to. I may have just joined, but what if I want to update my relationship status?
Or, of course, my interests.

I don't exactly like my body being shuffled into a category, but if I'm in the mood for a specific type of set (outdoors, body paint, etc.) that would be something fun for me to play around with.

Thanks for keeping ISM an open place to share our ideas smile


#65 September 9th, 2011 03:00 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

blissed wrote:

JP I know it might not seem like it at the time but choosing from catergories is a really unhealthy way to use porn and one of the  drawbacks of mainstream porn. by falling into this trap we narrow our libidos arousal to it's very specific favourites in a way that unless we're a total love magnet smile picking hysterically aroused groupies from a crowd smile we just can't do in real life. So with specific choices in place our libido then narrows and focuses on those preferences, slowley shutting out and ignoring the other wonderful options all around us. It also encourages a selfish objectification rather than a subjective appreciation which is a lovely grove that's so easy to get into here, with so many intimate shots of all the diverse kinds of beauty of people you can imagine desire you and that are shared by the people that may actually desire you yourself in the world around you smile


I see your point! Still want to tag our folios somehow. Ahh, well.


#66 September 9th, 2011 05:43 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

P.S. I'm not sure if this was mentioned, but having a little blog attached to our contributor's profile would be awesome! I have noticed on a few other "indie" sites that the girls have that option - I feel it helps us get to know the artists.


#67 September 9th, 2011 06:15 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

smile Fawn, I was thinking about that (the blog) a few days ago big_smile I was thinking about sharing the experience and the fun, the fear about all my shots..

I am the happiest woman among all women


#68 September 10th, 2011 09:48 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

viva wrote:

...by the way, Jane, if you haven't made smitten's Raspberry Buttermilk everyday cake yet, do. People think I'm a some sort of cake angel when I feed it to them.

Viva, somehow I missed this until today. I am kinda already the queen of cheesecake and chocolate chip/dried fruit/nut cookies, so I don't want to get carried away. It's a smidge labour intensive but the Chocolate Caramel Cheesecake is amazing. You can also really impress people with pretty much any of her homemade pizza's.

I like the idea of having contributors tag their own folios, but the problem with user generated tags is that there quickly end up being so many, or so many with slight variations (i.e. "kitty" and "kittehs"), that they don't really mean anything anymore. It takes a fair bit of work, or a lot of luck, to get tags to actually be useful if you go this route. I love categorizing things, and I keep thinking about ways you could do it so that folios don't get quickly lost into archives, but so far I have nothing. The best I can can come up with is to have very abstract category names (maybe with a common theme or style?) that would be open to (possibly hilarious and/or clever) interpretation.

Maybe it would help if you could search contributors statements by key word. Humm, I just thought of that. I like it. It means that you could quickly find everyone one that loves the smell of ice cream. Or all the leo's -- who are for the record the best sign.


#69 September 13th, 2011 10:12 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Just chiming in for that chocolate caramel cheesecake. Jane if I make an IFM thread about cooking do you think you'd join me? I mean, food orgasms are totally legitimate forms of orgasm.


#70 September 13th, 2011 12:01 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

So will I. I've just stumble on something that amazed me about fish. Seroiusly.


Last edited by blissed (September 13th, 2011 12:03 PM)


#71 September 14th, 2011 10:22 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

viva wrote:

Just chiming in for that chocolate caramel cheesecake. Jane if I make an IFM thread about cooking do you think you'd join me? I mean, food orgasms are totally legitimate forms of orgasm.

It's so funny when you show up in the ISM forums. For some reason I envision you physically changing spaces to do so. However, you don't actually live in a computer...

Anyways, I saw the food thread to today on IFM and strongly encourage everyone to make the move (physical or otherwise) over to the IFM forums to check it out.

Viva, I'm pretty sure Deb is going to have to start giving us Smitten Kitchen referral bonuses!

Last edited by jane_e (September 14th, 2011 10:23 PM)


#72 September 15th, 2011 08:34 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

jane_e wrote:

It's so funny when you show up in the ISM forums. For some reason I envision you physically changing spaces to do so. However, you don't actually live in a computer...!

I put on different hats :) It's true

It's funny how a website can give us a sense of location. I suppose thats how a bedroom busines with a great website can look like a multinational with swanky offices.


Last edited by blissed (September 15th, 2011 08:47 AM)


#73 November 7th, 2011 01:51 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Searching for a shoot you remember isn't as easy as it might be.
The recent thread on shoots you keep coming back to put me in mind of the difficulties you can have going back to some of them.
I have, for example, a memory of a lovely shoot. Must be more than four years ago, so that narrows it down a bit, I suppose. And it was a primary folio - ditto. But she was Australian, so that doesn't limit it an awful lot. And I have no idea if I saw it when it came out or I came across it going through the backlog. I remember the sweetest smile (plenty of them) and the raunchiest of shots from below (likewise) and that she worked caring for the eldlerly. Now that should narrow the field, but we can't reseach that. Nor can we research those which we commented on.
Anybody got any ideas?


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