#26 October 27th, 2009 11:15 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

i would like to see a personals or chat feature........ i want to talk with these and other artists but cant seem to get my wings tangled in the web..... i want spider people to suck out my juice's....... lol  oh and a who's viewing you box..... visitor registry

Last edited by lemmyliquor (October 27th, 2009 11:16 PM)


#27 November 16th, 2009 03:00 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I like pubic hair. It's natural and appeals to a wide audience. Shaved muffs is the lovely ladies trying look like little girls. The men who like shaved muffs may be pedophiles looking for the little girl look.


#28 July 6th, 2010 11:02 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

A communal message board between the Feck sites rather than one for each.  It would liven up the quieter boards and give single site members an insight into our other projects.

And contributor/member created profiles.  The ability to login from home and change your profile.


#29 July 6th, 2010 10:03 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I love the way each sites forum is the same cool design as the site, and looks like a lot of thought and design talent has gone into that.  All your idea would need is a communal index page with a unique Feck design aesthetic linking to the existing forums  giving both contributors and members of all sites the ability to easily read and participate in all forums, yet ensuring each sites forum maintains it's sites own unique visual atmosphere.



#30 July 6th, 2010 11:10 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I see what a few of the guys have been thinking regarding search terms via type (brunette, blonde etc) however I think it would really help people find someone if they couldnt remember their name! We have so many girls here that when I try to find a folio I love and have seen before I have trouble if I cant remember the folio name or the lovely lady's name... I think the search tags out to be more than just physical features - catagories (and folios could be in multiple ones) such as black and white, couple, outside, inside etc would help people explore as well as search for something specific.

I also think if we had tags, we could cross reference in the 'if you enjoyed this you might like this' kinda way - so under a folio it would have ones which had similar features. Not just physical ones but perhaps if someones favourites were all ones with mirrors or all outside it coudl suggest more they might like. We have so much content from so many wonderful ladies that finding things can be tricky and anything that helps people explore would be nice.

Not sure if we could also have voting on general folios and have a all time top folio page or similar? Folio of the month based on clicks? Just might be fun and again - a way to find more folios easily and encourage people to see more on the site than just the latest ones when they join - so much content here they cant know where to start lol!

Oh - I wonder if we could have a share button? People could 'send' a folio to other members they knew - guessing that is going into the social networking territory though as everyone would need friends lists... hmmm... Maybe a share to forum link so people can share a folio they love and say why in the forum? Well, its an idea anyway!

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#31 July 7th, 2010 03:06 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

jazzmaker wrote:

The men who like shaved muffs may be pedophiles looking for the little girl look.

Just to give us an idea of what you mean - could you point us towards just one folio that you think might appeal to a paedophile.


#32 July 7th, 2010 04:24 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

There are some excellent ideas here.
I guess I can only give suggestions from the viewpoint of a contributor but I would definitely agree that it would be good to have updated profiles/artist statements for each folio. I first contributed back in 2004 and my life and views and reasons for contributing have changed a lot since then, so my profile really doesn't reflect who I am now.
I would also love it if there was a way that reloads could be recognised a bit more. I think it would have encouraged me to come back and contribute sooner if I knew I was eligible for a prize or something. Once you've missed out on the artist prize there doesn't seem to be any other opportunity to have subsequent folios recognised for their artistic merit. I also think it would help raise the artistic standard in general.
I don't like the idea of search categories - it sounds a bit cheap and nasty to me. I agree with 'basil' - I don't want my folio and my body to be reduced in that way.


#33 July 8th, 2010 10:23 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Hi bubby,
Since we currently don't have an option to update profiles through login, if you'd like to update yours please feel free to contact us via this link
I'll make sure your profile gets updated as soon as possible.


#34 July 25th, 2010 09:51 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Todays problem is prompting this suggestion.

Two folios (Chipie and Laria) are linked to the same BA submission, and I assume that the erroneous link for Chipie was posted long after the original info back in Mar to Oct of 2009. The link to Laria was done when her folio was posted and after her BA submission, and I did make an immediate note of the fact when I saw it.

Subscribers to ISM need a means to be advised that either the info on the folio changed or was updated because of new circumstances.
If that was happening, after being advised that Chipie now had a BA link, I could have checked that immediately and if there was an error, everybody would know right away.

Or when BA posts a submission and they know it is a new link to an older ISM submission, they could have a mechanism and linkage to advise that the ISM info has been updated.

It also goes without saying that these linkages and mechanisms should also include IFM and is a perfect promotion tool for you to have the sister sites all linked for content.

Anyway, that's my personal pet peeve and my 2 cents worth.

PS: It's not only the error possibility.
If an artist subsequently adds a BA submission long after I have seen her folio which did not contain any links, I think, as a paying subscriber, that I have the right to know about new links and info and that new subscribers are not seeing info that I haven't because it has changed since I saw it.
I know I could open every artist again every day to see if something changed, but I don't have that much time smile

PPS: This became a ramble and I apologize and if it's confusing, please ask smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#35 August 21st, 2010 11:53 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

How about a link from the 'free daily photo pic' to the folio it comes from. If I see an interesting pic I have to search for the artist which can sometimes be alittle complicated.
I would like to be able to vote on the overload category also.


#36 August 24th, 2010 09:14 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Linking the free daily pic to the folio is a great idea - good thinking Hydrops ^_^

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#37 August 25th, 2010 06:35 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Hydrops wrote:

How about a link from the 'free daily photo pic' to the folio it comes from. If I see an interesting pic I have to search for the artist which can sometimes be alittle complicated.
I would like to be able to vote on the overload category also.

That is a nice idea but there have been more than a few cases where the free pic came from a folio that was not yet available ... I suppose if that scenario happened the pic would have to link to a dummy page indicating the folio was not available, and the date it would be ...

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#38 August 27th, 2010 11:47 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I've always wanted "age" as a search criteria.


#39 September 15th, 2010 12:42 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I agree with many of the suggestions already mentioned such as:

- Contributors given the option to write a statement per folio/vid
- The ability to tag favourites like on BA and IFM
- A forum section to talk off-topic
- Some sort of recognition for quality re-loads

That's all I can think of for now.


#40 September 15th, 2010 06:58 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I really love the idea of contributors getting to write a statement for each folio. I think it would add a lot of depth to each folio and allow the contributors more creative freedom and expression. I also like the idea of an art prize for secondary folios- there are so many amazing ones! Another idea I'd like to second is allowing artists free control over their profiles, so if you want to change something on a whim you don't have to go through the trouble of bothering the admin. Artist blogs would be kindof cool too.
I'd also like to echo a dislike of the idea of categories. Too mainstream porn-esque, in my opinion. If I wanted to be labeled by the size of my tits or hair color, I would have posted my nude self somewhere else. Personally, I would find it somewhat offensive.

Viva la ISM! smile


#41 October 11th, 2010 05:23 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Maybe tags would be a good idea. I mean tags that describe colours/props/scenery/themes... bascially anything but the contributor. This would be a good way to avoid labeling people and could be a good way of categorizing folios. I'm thinking tags a long the lines of 'food', 'outside', 'red', 'bed'. Sites like Flickr and Wordpress have tag clouds and they're a good way of finding things you're less likely to find by clicking through.


#42 October 11th, 2010 09:24 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I kinda like that....it's so frustraiting when you are looking for a particular folio and cant remember the folio or contributor name.


#43 October 11th, 2010 04:52 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Oh, good idea Shara! I like that because it helps solve the tagging issue without objectifying anyone.


#44 October 11th, 2010 07:18 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Thanks :-)  It might just be me but I think some tag clouds look rather pretty. However, I realize tagging every archived folio is not something that could be done over night.


#45 October 12th, 2010 11:42 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I would like it if there were an easier way to browse by profile rather than just by portfolio, and if the thumbnails were bigger.


#46 December 24th, 2010 09:22 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Two things

1. An easier way to check the posts on folios, I quite often forget to check whether the artist has ever gone in and replied ... I would like to know that for interests sake, and it takes too long going down the list of submissions for months and months to see if I posted and if anybody replied.
I don't even know how that could be done, but it would be a nice feature.

2.  I think you should allow 3 votes per week maximum, one for each of the categories, N,R, or X. Once you have voted for a category, you still have votes available for the other 2 cats, but can't vote any category more than once a week.
I would be willing to bet money that the girls who choose to do a non-explicit shoot do not get as many votes as the more adventurous ones, and that is a shame as they should be treated as if they were on the same playing field.

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#47 January 5th, 2011 04:22 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

An option for artist to be contacted by other artists if they like their work and would like to submit a "couples" folio together - a collaboration of ideas with a like-minded person who you know is open-minded to ISM. I would have loved to do a "partner" shoot, but my boyfriend wasn't interested - it would be great to have an "invite" button to send to a fellow artist to do an ISM shoot with you.

Also, maybe an option to group folios by theme somehow - so when artists do new folios you can see at a glance what ideas have already been done (e.g clothes pegs on your body, ribbon/strings tied around body etc).

Feck you are Fecking fantastic wink

Love, Rox x x x


#48 June 6th, 2011 09:32 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Two things--first, a way to update one's password, and second, in addition to hair color and the like as search categories, some means of finding the unshaved from the smooth as satin girls.


#49 June 7th, 2011 02:48 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Something else I'd like to see...a "call back" button.  If you see a folio you like, if the submitter ever posts again, you'd get notified in your email.


#50 June 7th, 2011 03:30 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

That second request we are implementing in the next version of the site.  But cataloging people by their body parts we won't be doing.  We will provide the facility for tagging, and you can choose for yourself how you tag folios.


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