#1 April 15th, 2011 11:50 PM


Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

I have just discovered the astonishing Viva. How gorgeous and saucy is she? Plus she seems like such fun and is obviously witty and intelligent. Whats not to like?
Her first folio, vivacity was a great surprise - halfway through, she suddenly has full-on underarm hair. Brilliant! Well done to that I say. You know how faces look weird without eyebrows? I guess I feel the same way about armpits - not right somehow without the hair. Don't expect everyone else to feel this way of course. My wife stays furry in winter but shaves in summer - thats the way she plays it.
This folio however led me to wonder about womens motivation when they stop shaving. Because its quite a brave move. Obviously its up to the individual what to do with themself and what to wear, but a girl must need a whole truckload of moxie to put up with the inevitable stares and comments that must come your way when venturing out with underam hair and sleeveless tops.
My wife's attitude is - Pah! Give em something to think about. There are bigger things in the world, really.

So those of you girls that have quit - thanks. I am interested in your decisions and thoughts on the matter.


#2 April 18th, 2011 02:01 PM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

Hi ixnay, thanks for your kind comments.

Just wanted to shed a little light on the fur thing and hopefully get a conversation started with some other girls who choose to rock their natural hair.

For me it is absolutely something I've struggled with - I find shaving quite gross, and waxing is not always an option when you're travelling. I always felt insecure about it, until I did my first ISM shoot. As you can see my first shoot was done in two parts, one with considerably more hair than the other, and it was being here with the ISM team - who encourage contributors to be themselves, and not consider how society tells them they should look - that finally helped me take pride in my hair and own it.

Since then I am totally proud and happy to let my hair grow. I have had positive feedback but more than that, I realised that when I see girls with body hair it turns me on, and that is how I want to look. shaving rash and underarm shadows are a thing of the past for me and I am delighted to be done with them. every so often I'll have a wax for the novelty, and yes I enjoy that too.

life is perceived almost entirely depending on your own headspace, and now if I get comments or stares they seem intrigued and complimentary, rather than judgmental or condescending.. even though they're probably the same stares as before.

anyway your wife's attitude is spot on smile

anyone else feel like commenting?


#3 April 19th, 2011 05:05 AM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

Hi Viva
I'm so glad you popped in - its excellent to hear from you! You make a very interesting point:

"life is perceived almost entirely depending on your own headspace, and now if I get comments or stares they seem intrigued and complimentary, rather than judgmental or condescending.. even though they're probably the same stares as before."

Exactly. You put your own spin on things. Don't live in fear is the key. Of course some assholes will judge you because you dont conform to the "society ideals" but we cannot let general ignorance inform our behaviour in life.

Deep down, we are all programmed to be turned on by all the good things that womanhood brings - curves, hair and all. Celebrate it!


#4 April 19th, 2011 11:38 AM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

Body builders shave their armpits and chest and legs. Most guys I see with their shirts off shave their chest too. It was really hot here last week and I saw a guy who shaved his chest but had a hairy back :) Don't know if he hasdn't noticed :)
I shave my beard but when it comes to anything else it's such a big area and I just can't be bothered.  I like the look of hairy chests and women with armpit hair doesn't look a lot different than shaved so who cares :)

I think body builders wax their legs as well, and around their bikini line because their shorts are so tiny :) Competition body building with sunbed tans, body oil, stage makeup and totally shaved bodies is where masculine and feminine seem to meet in a way that even in consrvative Christian country music line dancing land seems to be a totally accepted beauty pageant.



#5 April 19th, 2011 01:06 PM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

Blissed, I'm not so certain that competition body builders with their pills and makeup and oil and bare bulging muscles are exactly accepted as far as conservative christian family values go - in fact, I would say those people are kiiiiind of a nitch market and probably devil worshippers just like us to people who like to judge based on certain misunderstood religious doctrines.

but anyway, just wanted to quote your line,

women with armpit hair doesn't look a lot different than shaved so who cares smile

so typically adorably you smile but I beg to differ. I mean sure, not a lot different, but it is certainly something that stands out especially in a club or beach or fancy dress situation. A woman in a stunning strapless gown has bared arms and shoulders and if she has full hair under her arms, you bet its going to stand out.


#6 April 19th, 2011 03:38 PM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

It may be that I've read way too many trash magazines (as I'm sure Richard will attest to) but does anyone remember the furore when Drew Barrymore rocked up on the red carpet with the tiniest amount of underarm hair?


I have to say that for me it's entirely seasonal and/or based on my laziness at the time.  There are some circles where I find that it is less effort to shave than to deal with the negative comments and debates that a little leg hair may incite whereas here in the office or with my friends I really couldn't give two hoots.
I kinda like the feel of underarm hair.  I can't stroke a beard to look dignified, maybe I should start stroking my armhair.


#7 April 20th, 2011 03:16 AM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

Yes "Veronica thoughtfully stroked her under arm hair" :) ha ha I like that, haven't got a beard I'm gonna do it too.

Viva your probably right about the Christians :) I'm in England and I haven't experienced the nutjob U.S. bible belt for real. Here a body building baptist doesn't seem incongruous to me. I just find it interesting that all aspects of body building and it's values of self beautification seem to filter into the lives of a lot of gay intolerant people. like all the army, hunters, right wing racist activists. all pushing the weights and adoring themselves in the mirror :)

I think it's because I don't read fashion police magazines that I haven't got a heightened awareness of armpit hair :) I tell you where I'm at with this. When I worked for 3 months in Holland with a few other English guys, everyone was bored and grew a moustache (not me I as only 19). One guy always went to the shop to get some milk and one day everyone shaved off their moustache while he was gone, and when he came back he didn't immediately notice. For about 15 secs he thought everyone was looking at him because he'd done something wrong :) he didn't realise he was the only person in the room with a moustache. So if Drew had under arm hair one day and not the next I wouldn't have noticed, but if she changed her hair just a tiny bit I would. Viva what you were saying about living in our own head space is true, what we're not interested in and certainly changes we're not interested in are usually invisible to us. 



#8 June 6th, 2011 09:14 AM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

Viva, I do wish more women appreciated how beautiful that fur is...you certainly do look exquisite!


#9 June 7th, 2011 03:35 PM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

Can we please not use the word "fur"?  These ladies aren't animals to be patted.


#10 June 10th, 2011 04:22 PM


Re: Viva Viva! And lovely girl fur revisited.

All right.  Viva, I wish more women appreciated how beautiful hair is.  You exemplify why.


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