#1 February 20th, 2011 07:24 AM


Porn for lady porn day

Interesting video from Dods and Ross http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ona58yZJ … r_embedded I see IFM gets a mention in the 1st comment.

I think it's wonderful to make porn that sexually inspires lots of people or be so hot you sexually inspire lots of other people too  But when it comes to porn reproducing outrageous  fantasies, I find drawings are so much more reassuring because they're still pure fantasy. But When those fantasies are reproduced in porn, surprisingly for me they quickly become boring, because I'm viewing rather than mentally  participating. I think in solo masturbation, fantasy is our participation. The fantasy is our engagement with the notions that arouse us . I think that's why I'd call Feck erotica because it excites the imagination to produce fantasy, where as porn is the reproduction of those fantasies.



#2 February 20th, 2011 05:29 PM


Re: Porn for lady porn day

A very concise distinction between porn and erotica Blissed.  I have never considered this before and on reflection I wholeheartedly agree.  ISM, IFM etc are certainly erotica.  It makes you feel good without making you feel bad.  Porn can be a bit like artificial sweeteners.  Pleasurable at first but with a bitter aftertaste.


#3 March 4th, 2011 07:59 AM


Re: Porn for lady porn day

blissed wrote:

I think in solo masturbation, fantasy is our participation. The fantasy is our engagement with the notions that arouse us.

I totally agree!


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