#1 November 25th, 2010 11:20 PM


The erotic mirror '4 sale'

A New york exhibition where 4 people shoot themselves.

http://www.artinfo.com/news/story/36423 … hemselves/

Here's the slide show

I like their stuff, it seems to wonder into many of the same areas as bobby. I like the shot where Father christmas gets a present of his own :) ha ha, That would make a great Christmas card! :)


Last edited by blissed (November 25th, 2010 11:23 PM)


#2 November 26th, 2010 09:24 AM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

Oh they're so beautiful...good find blissed.
A few do have a very similar aesthetic to bobby's I think. Now where is that girl?  She needs to look too.


#3 November 28th, 2010 09:34 AM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

Those are really nice.  I love the photo with the flaming vagina!


#4 November 30th, 2010 11:24 AM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

Oh yeah there some really lovely ones here. I especially like the grainy underwater shots, there is so many things to do with naked self portraiture, especially when you don't have to hold the camera!


#5 November 30th, 2010 12:56 PM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

bobby_h wrote:

there is so many things to do with naked self portraiture, especially when you don't have to hold the camera!

...So very, very true! wink


#6 December 1st, 2010 03:34 AM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

If you don't hold the camera you don't seem to get the intimacy. If you set a timer or do a duet folio people tend to stand back and play the photographer role and so the viewer is back just viewing at a distance. Which is much less hot (sorry the grammer I need to express that well escapes me right now :) When the people in a duet don't try and play the photographer but just interact, then the intimacy returns through the character of their interaction, and I think a duet could improve on many of the ideas in the exhibition. Also the exhibition contains quite a small number of choice shots where time has been lavished on them, and lots of ideas that failed. If I did an ISM, through a mixture of vanity and fascination, I would do that as well :) I'd probably end up making 50p an hour :)



#7 December 1st, 2010 10:44 AM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

blissed wrote:

If you set a timer or do a duet folio people tend to stand back and play the photographer role and so the viewer is back just viewing at a distance. Which is much less hot

Well, much less hot to YOU.

I'm one for variety, personally, and while I think that the first folio we do on ISM should be hand held, I'd love the freedom that being able to move away from the camera would give me.

Perhaps you SHOULD try making an ISM, it's actually really darn hard to get good photos and new angles and while I think limits can be fun creative challenges, they can be ultimately, well, limiting.

Just sayin', because I'd love a bit more freedom with ISM personally.


#8 December 1st, 2010 01:40 PM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

Yeah sorry without a background my post does tend to look like I'm arguing for no freedom :) I agree with you that's why I suggested the creative collaborations category. http://ishotmyself.com/punbb/viewtopic. … 814#p11814

A long time ago when Alisha did her low light shots, that inspired me to do a whole ISM in low light and I wanted to find out what the whole experience  of taking the pics is like. I found I needed to use a tripod in low light so I ended up using the timer and the shutter button too. I found for me the distance shots needed some rapid repeat shots of a good interaction between 2 people. And even before I had that experience  I  think it's valid to say even just as a viewer that hand held shots have a special intimate quality not usually found in other approaches. and the site is built on that very nice discovery. That's why I think an experimental category would allow much more freedom, because it would allow for lots of failure without threatening the central idea of the site and ideas could surface like bobbys shot of her touching her cloned self  that are just as hot and discoveries could filter into the rest of the site or even inspire a site of their own. 

Anyway, I've been in the habit of taking a few naked shots with my new camera too and over time it does do some amazing things for your perception and acceptance and eventual celebration of your own body as it changes . if I was told I had an audience though I'd start fussing over the pics and spend hours on them :) So I think it must be great to post your 1st folio and get positive feedback that allays your anxiety and comfirms your own personal discoveries. I think that must be pretty amazing actually.


Last edited by blissed (December 1st, 2010 02:27 PM)


#9 December 1st, 2010 04:47 PM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

I appreciate that clarification, Blissed. smile


#10 December 2nd, 2010 11:13 PM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

blissed wrote:

where time has been lavished on them, and lots of ideas that failed. If I did an ISM, through a mixture of vanity and fascination, I would do that as well smile I'd probably end up making 50p an hour smile


that sound about similar to my last folio, possibly a little more then 50p but not much!

I'd really like to use Audrey Pompernickles, my 5D to do an ISM as I feel like we have a special relationship (I'd call her my primary, she has all the lenses) but it's impossible to hold her in the manner she demands and take a photo of yourself. The doppleganger shoot you mentioned Blissed started out as an ISM but my wrists went wobbly in protest and it probably would have ended in a broken lens, or nose. I'm with Ngaio, freedom to the people!


#11 December 3rd, 2010 09:18 AM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

Here here....but I have a feeling that Bobby's prettifying skills would be in such demand that her body might be torn into a million little dandilion fairies and that, my friends, would be a rather large tragedy.


#12 December 3rd, 2010 03:42 PM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

Bobby I think if your all in the same place, a creative collaboration between you, Ngaio and Audrey Pompernickels could produce some strange and so possibly awesome results.

If not then Ngaio you should really get a 5D as well :)

Veronica, Bobby has an army of dandelion fairies already helping her, they do editing, fix her computer and arrange events around her so nothing ever goes wrong.



#13 December 6th, 2010 11:24 AM


Re: The erotic mirror '4 sale'

At the rate my savings account is going, it will only take me several years to afford a 5D... let alone a decent lens or two for it! wink


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