#1 September 19th, 2010 07:12 PM



hey guys.

i had so much fun putting together my folio and am really looking forward to putting my next ones together. i am aiming towards a 7 deadly sins sort of theme and want to include all of the sins, keeping it fun and colourfull. does anyone have any ideas? i really want to add strawberrys in there somewhere but not sure where they would fit in. i dont think they suit glutony because they are healthy =p.

for any one who has seen my last folio,do you have any comments or feed back that could help me with my next folios? such as best qualities about folio or things that i could improve on or include??
i am open to everyones ideas so please let me know smile

- peace out x


#2 September 19th, 2010 09:28 PM



Excellent, nice folio, beautiful girl smile

Maybe strawberries would fit with lust, not sure where else. I think I will like the theme since I commit 2 of the deadly sins every time I look at a pretty girl smile

Your first folio was artfully done, but I will admit that as someone who is visually challenged the graphic treatment made it hard for me to see you well, however it was still a beautiful folio.

Wish I had more ideas but can't seem to get past you and lust/envy smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#3 September 20th, 2010 09:29 PM



Ooh I think strawberries have to be in with lust! :)

What a good idea! lust isn't a sin, nor pride. Gluttony isn't either it's just a personal decision and not judgeable, same for sloth.  That leaves wrath, greed and envy as the only ones viewed as sins today.

I define a sin as something committed by someone subordinate,  not someone in charge. Only serfs commit sins, monarchs and lords can have 20 course banquets, orgies, can be idolised, lazy, cruel, conniving and live in luxury while surrounded by poverty. I think that covers all 7 :) ha ha

I hope you don't mind me being usefully honest, For me the graphic effect was interesting, but for an ISM folio  I thought it compromised the fidelity of the photo's and deminished the feeling of connection and the potential for sexual inspiration. (I feel a bit like Simon Cowell now sorry :) You still look beautiful though :) and I can't wait to see your next folio :)


Greed: You could sit in a bath of baked beans :) Or milk.  A warm bath of water would look like milk with some coffee whitener or powdered milk added and you could drink some milk and pour a little in the bath too. Found a link to how to make a real milk bath cheaply http://www.ehow.com/how_2227095_homemade-milk-bath.html

Wrath: you could do an angry set swishing around a whip or riding crop, or just look angry like your about to use it.

Glutony: Lay down and  decorate yourself with spray on cream, add strawberry nipples :) fruit slices etc then make it look like you ate the whole lot yourself.

Sloth: has to feature a TV, a couch and a pair of white y fronts Homer style :) Though I think you'll look a fair bit better than he does :)

Envy: Very difficult one to do on your own as you have to be the one who's envied. Put on some bling, some flashy rings necklace big earrings.
Or you could go outside with nothing but a coat as Alisha_x did in her 'the_sights' folio but you go window shopping (very early Sunday morning) when no-one is around. Shooting yourself against a whole jewelers shop window would look good, lots of sparkling light on the jewels or any window you think looks great.

Lust: Must involve stawberries :)

Pride: You could do this one last. Log in to ISM and click on your previous folios. Turn the light out and photograph your face lit only by the light patterns and colours coming from the screen. Because of the low light use a tripod or place the camera on a solid surface. Or because you have every reason to be proud in a positive way let the last folio in the series be a simple set of pictures of you feeling good and enjoying taking them, knowing there are lots of people who will love them. (or mix the 2 ideas in the same folio :)

I enjoyed writing all that :) Hope it helps.


Last edited by blissed (September 20th, 2010 10:19 PM)


#4 September 21st, 2010 10:48 AM



i loved your idea for glutony and i think i might use that smile i dont mind at all about u being honest bcause i want honest opinions and i can use it all to help me strive to the best of my ability. and i completly agree on ur opinions about the sins. but for creative purposes im still going to go with the 7 originals.haha. as for the jewlery shop idea, as much as i would love to use it, as i live in such a small community where everyone knows everyone,it might be a bit hardbecause them i would hve to explain why i am taking the photos if someone sees me, and there are still a few members of my town that i would prefer not to know about me doing these folios as romours and information can get way over exagerated and as i am already quite well known around here, i have to be carefull not to be incorrectly juged. i have no shame in doing these photos but some people just dont see the beaty in this kind of art wich i find a real shame. thank you heaps for your help and i still may be able to use a few of your other ideas. smile


#5 September 21st, 2010 10:57 AM



Chocolate coated strawberries fit into gluttony for me... but then, I always eat way too many of them!

Good luck with your next folio, can't wait to see it! Just FYI, I really liked the graphic treatment of the first folio... it made it stand out for me and I'd like to see more creativity with folios like that. In honesty, I get a bit bored with the same old clean, crisp photos (nothing wrong with them, obviously, but it's nice to have some textures for a change smile) My only comment would be for your next folio, it could be nice to shoot it in warm lighting to contrast to the cooler colours of your first folio (which I totally dig, by the way).


#6 September 21st, 2010 11:44 AM



yeah i did it in a dark place for my last folio to make it seem dark and uninviting for the girl from the future. if that makes any sence?lol im thinking of doing the 7 deadly sins outside like in a garden or something on a sunny day. do yu hav any suggestions on a graphic treatment for this one tho? i didnt plan on doing that but i might see what i can do with it. maybe try and make it look heavenly? to try and make it look like theres nothing wrong with commiting these sins? yeah i dunno haha


#7 September 22nd, 2010 10:14 AM



Hmmm, I don't know if a graphic treatment would work for that theme... maybe keep it more simple to contrast to your other folio? I don't know, ultimately up to you smile


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