#1 August 15th, 2010 09:46 AM


Question for the Admins - download speed

I posted the following on the IFM forum.
Download speeds today are painful, images load like dial-up, and 3/4 hour to download a small zip

Is there a way to change servers like there is at IFM.

NOTE: It is not my system or ISP.
Changing servers at IFM from US to NL changed the download speed of Robyn from more than 48 hours (3 attempts) to less than 5 mins from the NL server

Below is the IFM forum post
As a curiosity and info only, it appears the US server or that set of jumps and connections is having problems.

I tried to download todays Robyn and all 3 attempts indicated approx 48 to 55 hours to complete

Ran the IFM speed test and switched to NL server

Test for NL was 402 kb/s
Test for US was 7 kb/s

Robyn just downloaded from the NL side faster than I could type this advisory post if anybody else has problems.

And a Question for Richard or anyone else.
ISM also has the same problem today, more than 3/4 hour to download a small zip file.
Tried viewing a folio and images are downloading like a dial-up modem.
Does ISM have a similar capability to switch servers.

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#2 August 16th, 2010 04:38 PM


Re: Question for the Admins - download speed

The answer here is the same answer we gave on IFM.  The problem isn't at our server.  You can try a program like Pingplotter to identify where the blockage is, and contact your ISP to follow it up.  But these problems resolve themselves before too long.  But no ISM is hosted from a single server.


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