#1 July 15th, 2010 06:59 AM


what will be my next folio theme

Hello evrybody,

i enjoy so much my first ISM experience that i'm already thinking about my next contribution.

Does anybody want to suggest me a new theme???



#2 July 15th, 2010 11:47 AM


Re: what will be my next folio theme

Hi thalie

How about wine. Or red wine. Going to some vinyards with their small old barns and huts and the vines and the sunlight. If your not driving take some wine if you want :)


Last edited by blissed (July 15th, 2010 11:54 AM)


#3 July 15th, 2010 12:30 PM


Re: what will be my next folio theme

I think some of your strongest images were not so much about theme, as the care you took in composing them, 08, 18 and 22 for example.  I think you could do some pretty amazing images with just a neutral backdrop, some interesting light and possibly mirrors. 
But ultimately I want to see your interpretation of what this project is about.


#4 July 21st, 2010 01:16 PM


Re: what will be my next folio theme

What Von said. 

But then again, Blissed's idea is pretty sweet too!


#5 July 26th, 2010 05:56 PM


Re: what will be my next folio theme

Yeah what Von said!

It might be cool to do a folio specifically playing with a more limited colour palette or some such thing? However, like Von said, we'd like to see YOUR interpretation of the project... is there an aspect of yourself which you could express and illustrate more fully in your next folio? Is there a message you'd like to convey? A feeling you'd like to express? smile


#6 August 7th, 2010 01:25 AM


Re: what will be my next folio theme

Try to think of ways to showcase your beautiful personality as well as your beautiful body and themes will come to you! We have an inspiration thread going int he forum as well which might help smile

I have created quite a range of folios, from art nudes using projected artwork onto my body - to dark moody sets lit up by fairy lights and also ones of just me outside in the sun cycling, doing yoga or even one of me painting my new room when I moved!

My next one has powertools! Oh yeah! Nude DIY for the win hehe!

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


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