#1 October 15th, 2009 07:27 PM


The sexiest things??

Hey all - I wanted to start up a bit of a poll here just out of curiosity...what are some of the sexiest things for you? I'm curious, as I've recently seen a lot of people saying things like "a person who is confident in their own body is sexy", etc, etc, and while that's true, it's occasionally starting to sound somewhat like rhetoric to me. I want to break it down a bit, get specific, and see if anyone's got some interesting things going on in the 'what's sexy' department. Fetishes? Features? Memories? Predilections? Poll ahoy!!

Off the top of my head, some of the things that are sexiest for me include:

-  the underside of men's arms (between armpits and elbows)
-  how a guy's mouth tastes after he's gone down on me
-  heavy-lidded eyes
-  hip bones
-  foreskins


#2 October 16th, 2009 02:12 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

just a few of my favourite things

- lower back dimples
- nice bums
- shoulders and necklines
- good short haircuts & shaved bits are so nice to feel
- bold well-shapen eyebrows (not over plucked)
Betty_brownis a good example

Some sexy things I like to see photographed here are shots that show just a little public hair peeking out from behind
and long hair dangling or blowing in the wind - Bobby does this so well!


#3 October 16th, 2009 02:58 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

I forgot a really important one - hands! sexy strong lithe hands mmmm.

and thinking beyond body parts (as I just realised how appearance oriented I am being) It's all about attitude. 
They've gotta have that something about them.  And I don't mean confidence.  I mean 'tude! A little smart arse... quick witted - spunk! That makes them stand out from the crowd.

Last edited by Folly (October 16th, 2009 03:03 PM)


#4 October 21st, 2009 01:51 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

Ooooo-er....good one Basil!

When it comes to people my age or thereabouts, I rather like odd-looking and/or sort of geeky looking dudes but on the flip-side I'm also attracted to middle aged guys a fair bit, especially musicians.

- Facial hair. Especially moustaches.
- Rad hair. This doesn't necessarily mean "cool" hair that they spent an obscene amount on but rather just a particular style they pull off properly.
- Mannerisms. I find unconscious mannerisms and gestures really attractive.
- Style. Someone pulling off a certain look with aplomb is incredibly hot.
- A chink in the armour. I find symmetry really unappealing and if someone has a mole or a slightly crooked tooth, that can make all the difference for me.

Some examples of famous people that represent my varying tastes are- Martin Starr, Pinky Beecroft, Sam Rockwell, Steve Buscemi, Jason Schwartzman, Jay Baruchel, Michael Cera, Steve Coogan, Matt Berry.

With girls I'm a bit more superficial.

- Boobs. I like large breasts, but it's more just NICE breasts whether they're large or small that I'm attracted to.
- Chicks that use the word "rad".
- Tatts. Cool ones. 

If someone makes me genuinely laugh they become incredibly hot to me then, but also just witnessing someone do something that they're good at is about as hot as you can get. That's probably why I've hooked up with so many musicians (that's the excuse I'm using anyway) but this also applies to things like watching someone do weeding or chopping vegetables and the like. If they do it with skill, it's attractive to watch.


#5 October 21st, 2009 03:58 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

haha yay redbird, lovely addition to the topic.

Love your point about mannerisms.  I dig them too, but I wish I was more observant of them.  Sometimes I just notice annoying ones darn it (critical bitch).

Hahaha you find Steve Buscemi attractive? You are an odd one.  I mean he is awesome and love his characters and his weediness but just cos Thora Birch goes after him in Ghost World does not mean he is legitimate perve material - for me.

Its rad that you like chicks that say rad wink
- but hang on, you fit your own description!

One of the sexiest things to watch someone do if they can do it well is dance.  I'm not really into the whole bump and grind meat market of clubbing, but on occasion when I get to see my lady dance, she kinda snaps into this other persona, whips out her rmb moves and...well it's a big turn on!


#6 October 21st, 2009 11:39 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

I find Steve Buscemi attractive too! Also Jeff Goldblum and...wait for it...Macauly Culkin. Eek...


#7 October 22nd, 2009 09:13 AM


Re: The sexiest things??

he makes a good roller skate


#8 October 22nd, 2009 02:32 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

Haha, Macaulay hasn't changed enough for me to find him attractive. He looks like a really tall 8 year old. I love him though, he fucking rules. YES to Jeff Goldblum also.

That's awesome that you find Steve Buscemi attractive, you're now one of 2 other people including myself that think that. Yay for us.


#9 October 24th, 2009 03:29 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

I find a lot of things sexy. The curve of a girls waist down to her hips. Strong shoulders in a man. Long hair on anyone...either that or mohawks. But nothing is sexier than a good scene of humor!


#10 October 26th, 2009 11:24 AM


Re: The sexiest things??

- Hands... long, thin fingers really fascinate me, especially if the person knows how to use their hands. The way some people move their hands, even while just typing, gesturing or peeling an orange can be incredibly moving.

- Intelligence. I know it's sort of a cliche but the way into my pants really is through the brain. I get really turned on by people who can passionately talk about something that they have obviously considered.

- Spontanaety...  there's something about someone who will suddenly break into dance and strip naked in the middle of the street that really excites me. I think it's the notion that this person can be surprising and an element of surprise in the bedroom is always very welcome to me.

- This is definitely the sub in me but I really respond to people who can take control of a situation - not in a way that is arrogant or imposing but simply in a competent, authoritative way. I often have a double sided sort of response to that sort of person that makes me want to sneakily, sexily, subhvert their authority somehow.

- Armpits.

- Dark eyes.

- Sensuality... people who love colour, or cooking, or art, or something. I really respond to people who create things that awaken my own senses in some way.

- Boobs. And nipples.

- Soft hair.

...I am going to keep going on and on if I don't stop now!


#11 October 27th, 2009 09:44 AM


Re: The sexiest things??

Physical:  soft and big lips, men's underarms, chests and backs, hip bones and most definitely a guy's butt makes me happy in my pants.  Boobs, I dig boobs so very much and cleavage makes me weak at the knees.  I like navels too.  Big bright eyes.  And on women volputuousness in general...  I tend to dig brunettes too. 
So, yeah, basically someone as close to my own physical resemblence as possible wink

'Other':  Humour - I love funny people and I especially love to laugh.  Direct and lingering eye contact, it just does it for me.  Passion, but not like romantic passion, I mean like being passionate about something in life or just passionate about life fullstop.  Happiness, I am drawn to happy people, they shine this special little light I hone in on.  Confidence, but not arrogance, I like those that are sure of themselves as I don't have to water down myself in order to be close to them.

I guess in the end being a good, happy and positive person with interesting things to say will get me more than the physical stuff.  I find a personality colors a persons appearance for me so much, the prettiest girl I know is a mean, nasty and insecure bitch and sadly I can no longer see that prettiness because of the things she has said and done.  And in reverse the same goes, no one is really truly super hot to me until I hear words leave their mouth and I get an impression of who they are and what they're like...


#12 November 3rd, 2009 05:26 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

Oh - I got distracted by the Steve Buscemi and forgot to say that "rad hair" is a good one, redbird.

Also - people who genuinely LOVE to dance. And I don't mean posers, "dance-school-dancers", or gal-pals gyrating around handbags, I mean those rare types you see busting a move/gut on the dance floor, eyes closed, oblivious, sweat running down their faces. Love them. They are sex personified for me....


#13 November 5th, 2009 05:11 AM


Re: The sexiest things??

So my first post of all will start with a cliché:
I think, the most sexiest thing are eyes. Not only the way they look, but the way look at you. Like the first pic of my folio. I really wish I could have done it for more pics.

I love it, when big, small, green, blue or brown eyes look at me like I'm something they never saw before - that's great - that turns me on!

And of course there are some other things to tell - but that is the most important one.


#14 November 6th, 2009 03:27 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

A good smile, dexterous fingers, patience, and a warm stomach.


#15 November 9th, 2009 10:34 AM


Re: The sexiest things??

A warm stomach? I like that!


#16 November 9th, 2009 11:20 AM


Re: The sexiest things??

avarra wrote:

I love it, when big, small, green, blue or brown eyes look at me like I'm something they never saw before - that's great - that turns me on!

Bummer, I have grey eyes so I didn't make the cut sad
But since you are so foxy and cute I won't hold that against you smile
I wouldn't have made the cut no matter what colour my eyes were roll

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#17 November 10th, 2009 05:56 AM


Re: The sexiest things??

ngaio wrote:

A warm stomach? I like that!

Plus I have cold hands so it is nice to have something to warm them with :)


#18 November 10th, 2009 08:56 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

ashmedi wrote:

Bummer, I have grey eyes so I didn't make the cut sad

Oh no! I didn't mean to exclude any particular colour. Especially not the colour of the eyes of somebody who is telling so many beautiful things to us - the artists.

I just listed the 3 base colours. But believe me: a golden shine in brown eyes, some yellow sparkes in green ones or blue that fades out to grey and any other colour combination, is even more interesting - assuming they have the right kind of glance.


#19 November 10th, 2009 10:59 PM


Re: The sexiest things??

avarra wrote:
ashmedi wrote:

Bummer, I have grey eyes so I didn't make the cut sad

Oh no! I didn't mean to exclude any particular colour. Especially not the colour of the eyes of somebody who is telling so many beautiful things to us - the artists.

I just listed the 3 base colours. But believe me: a golden shine in brown eyes, some yellow sparkes in green ones or blue that fades out to grey and any other colour combination, is even more interesting - assuming they have the right kind of glance.

Thanks pretty girl, I feel better now wink

I'm like you, except the other sex and older, but eyes are always the first thing I look at, I love the colours, and the glints, and the peek into the soul you get.
You have beautiful features and exceptional eyes, love the shape and colour, I could sit and admire your face and eyes all day, but then I'd feel guilty about not paying enough attention to your other bits and parts that are equally intrigueing wink
Have you ever thought of doing a full folio of just your eyes and expressions ?? I know you mentioned doing more of it, personally, I think you should smile
Have a good day, hope to see more of you ....

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


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