#1 May 28th, 2005 05:16 AM


Dandy's Video

To quote the ISM comment attached to Dandy's latest video contribution;
Dandy is back! All girls love their Barbie but Dandy always has to take things to the extreme, doesn't she? Plenty of the kind of action you've come to expect from darling Dandy in this, part 1 of a pair of trashy, no filthy, no disgusting! videos you won't want to miss."

If ISM can't make it's mind up about the video, what are we supposed to do?!

I am thankful that I didn't spot a food mixer in her basket of goodies, the tongues were stretching things a little, to say the least ;-)

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#2 May 28th, 2005 05:58 AM


Re: Dandy's Video

what to do?
i for one am sitting back, way back (yeahhh, like that...)
and getting the lotion from the top drawer...

(did i lock my office door...?)


that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#3 May 30th, 2005 12:48 PM


Re: Dandy's Video

BAHAHAH top draw eh? that where i keep mine too

sometimes enough is not enough and i want MORE


#4 July 1st, 2009 11:27 PM


Re: Dandy's Video

Can I ask where have most of the old video's gone? this one doesn't seem to be here anymore, same with another one I'm looking for with a real qt driving in her car. I think it was called Spoto or something.

Can any one shed some light?


#5 November 1st, 2009 07:00 AM


Re: Dandy's Video

Kwaizy wrote:

Can I ask where have most of the old video's gone? this one doesn't seem to be here anymore, same with another one I'm looking for with a real qt driving in her car. I think it was called Spoto or something.

Can any one shed some light?

Hi Kwaizy, I am also looking for some old videos, including the one with the girl driving at a McDo or something. I think it's the one you're talking about. Find anything?


#6 November 3rd, 2009 09:26 AM


Re: Dandy's Video

I really wish i could view the videos on this site, I feel like I'm missing out on some very interesting stuff.


#7 November 3rd, 2009 10:16 AM


Re: Dandy's Video

And why can't you view them ???

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#8 November 4th, 2009 04:52 AM


Re: Dandy's Video

The files are too large and my internet connection is too slow sad I tried to download one but after 20mins it just stopped downloading. I think I just need to take my laptop to the library and try downloading them there.


#9 November 4th, 2009 08:58 AM


Re: Dandy's Video

Oh, that's too bad, you really can't enjoy a site like this or the sister sites without a hi-speed connection.
No idea where you live but don't think it's in Canada. You would not be able to access a site like ISM from a library, they would be filtered out as undesireable for the general public.

BTW, I loved your folio, and I love redheaded beautiful young girls smile I couldn't find any pic that showed the full graphic on your back and wondered if you could describe it, or please do another folio real quick ?? If you had a pic I don't know if you could upload it, but on a slow connection, I guess not.
Thanks for the beautiful photos tho, they, and you, are exceptionally attractive ;-)

Last edited by ashmedi (November 4th, 2009 09:07 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#10 November 4th, 2009 11:38 PM


Re: Dandy's Video

I know how you feel  leila_d  my connection is slower that slow due to my location.  I am a bush person, no pun intended, and it is not possible for high speed where I am unless I pay prices that go through the roof.  It takes me at least a couple of hours to download a small folio and eight or nine hours if I want to try a video.  I do have a cell phone so I am never out of touch but it is a pain.  I am very selective with what I download but it is not to bad to view the folios as it is only about five minutes for one to appear.


#11 November 7th, 2009 11:47 AM


Re: Dandy's Video

The library at my college doesn't filter out any content so I can just go there and download anything which is pretty nice. I need to do that one of these days.

And Ashmedi, Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you like my folio, i really want to shoot another soon. I don't know if I can post a pic here but if you want to see a full view of my tattoo you can see it here: http://leila-hazlett.deviantart.com/art/Prayer-67661147


#12 November 7th, 2009 12:28 PM


Re: Dandy's Video

Thanks for the link and the pic of your unique and beautiful tatoo, it is a fantastic  work of art and it accents your graceful curves in a most erotic way, I love it. wink
I left a comment but had to sign in as dreamwerxx as somebody else stole my unique name I use here and everywhere else.

I hope you do post another folio, it would be another happy day in my life to see more of you, you are very lovely and I enjoy studying your incredible curves wink

Thanks again, and have a good rest of the weekend, hope to talk and see you again smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


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