#1 September 9th, 2009 04:07 PM


What features would you like to see on ISM?

We're re-inventing ISM and we'd like to hear from anyome with ideas on what you like, what you don't, what we could add and what we could ditch.  Anything at all.  Go crazy apeshit stream of consciousness babbling...


#2 September 9th, 2009 07:12 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I've always wanted a random folio button.


#3 September 10th, 2009 10:37 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I like that.  And more fun stuff in the shop.


#4 September 10th, 2009 10:46 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Cate, you just go to the Folios page, click on a random page number, close your  eyse, then click on a folio...OK there's that's one request filled.


#5 September 10th, 2009 01:01 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Separate artist's statements for each folio, should the contributors so desire to make them...maybe highlighting the top five (or even three) folios nominated for the art prize each month as it can often be a close call and it would be nice to recognise the contributors who have done something to raise the bar on the site's artistic merit.  Those contributors may not have won the prize, but they will theoretically be rewarded with more Feckshare.

A more extended links list with categories would be cool also.  But it would probably be something that couldn't sit on the home page.

Cate, don't forget to then open your eyse again so you can see the folio you've clicked.


#6 September 10th, 2009 01:33 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

A way to view the pictures so that they don't overflow my screen, with the option to then save the pic in larger format.  (yes i know I can just Ctrl - but it hurts my perfectionist eyes.)
To be able to still see the thumbnails without having to minimise the main pic window, so I can see which one I want to click ahead to.
ie: First view is a page of thumbnails, Then when you click on one, The full pic appears in medium size next to, or above the thumbnails, in the same window, then click on pic to see largest view.
Or to view the pics like in Apple's preview program.  (I'll get you a screen shot)
Maybe a play slideshow option. 
And a ISM podcast (that's my own personal dream!) to learn more about the contributors who have really interesting artists statements or interests. - Plus voices are sexy.
What about some "favourites" folios appearing now and then, highlighting some really great pictures around a theme - beaches, food, blue skies, mirrors

Last edited by Folly (September 10th, 2009 01:33 PM)


#7 September 10th, 2009 01:53 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

And, it would be good if when contributors post on the forum we could link back to their profile. And if it said artist rather than member. (I know that will be fiddly but this is a wish list dammit)


#8 September 10th, 2009 07:29 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I would like more catagories such as tattooed, blond, brunette, outside folio, couple... things like that - so you could filter down results and search more specifically... smile

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#9 September 11th, 2009 05:13 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I would like to be able to vote more that once every 7 days, maybe every 3 or 4 days instead.  I would also like to have a button to click on the folio page of the pictures that ended up on the cutting room floor so to speak.


#10 September 11th, 2009 11:21 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Some suggestions;
A.    Reduce number of professionals that can be found on other websites such as AbbyWinter.
B.    Profiles are just a bunch of words, could be all made up.  It would be nice to have some location shots from the artists showing their day-to- day activities, such as sports, shopping, restaurants, at work, at play, etc.  Right now the artists go down to business right away, just like other websites.  Some background pictures that would make us feel that we know them a bit more would enhance their stories and our experience.  A picture in front of some kind of city landmark would also be great. 
C.    Audio MP3 profile.
D.    Profiles should be updated at least once a year for reloading artists
E.    Show artists website, blog, twitter connections, if they don’t mind sharing.
F.    Go for HD video and original picture size.
G.    Cross direct link of artists between your sister sites, not just to the home pages.
H.    More search abilities.
I.    No more retiring artists.
J.    Set up a rejection achieves for all the pictures submitted but not selected.


#11 September 11th, 2009 11:36 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Well actually there is just one HD video but I reckon thats probably on the cards anyway.



#12 September 11th, 2009 12:57 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Randomly selected profile questions.  It would just involve creating a bit of a database of questions but it would certainly mix things up a bit.

Last edited by veronicaf (September 11th, 2009 12:57 PM)


#13 September 11th, 2009 01:23 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Thanks for your suggestions, its obvious that you would like to get more of a feel about the artists which goes beyond the profile questions and I think that's really nice.  Wanna back me up on my podcast idea? wink wink.  I'll interview the girls about their thoughts and feelings about the project and also about hobbies or interests they might have in their daily lives.  I think you are onto something with the audio profile idea, that would be something unique to ism as far as any other somewhat similar nude photography sites. 

Unfortunately not all of your suggestions can be realised and there are many reasons for that to do with the workings of the site, and the way artists find out about us, and also due to the artists being real people with lives outside of ISM who may not want to contribute to the level we wish they would.
Luckily we have artists like Alisha_x who get involoved in the iSM community and that rocks.

From your comments I'd guess you must be a fan of the videos which show us more about artists daily lives, and also the folios when artists use a theme which is something they are into like sport, art etc.  This isn't enough background for you? It's nice though that you are interested in more that them just getting naked!

I'll also just say that really don't pine after the rejected pictures.  They are usually just blurry, or too dark anyway.  Not every picture is perfect and we wouldn't want you to waste your time wading through those that aren't.  They are not really rejected so much as unusable.


#14 September 11th, 2009 07:11 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I really like Gala's idea of separate Statements for each folio if an artist so desires. I also like Folly's suggestions too re: profiles on the forums and a Member/Artist tag distinction. I'd love to see direct d/l links on the folio pages instead of the "Download Folio" button (ie. so that we can use download managers etc.). Higher quality video files would certainly be great where possible. Some way to edit Comments on the Folios would be nice also (eg. to correct typos etc. if needed).



#15 September 12th, 2009 02:37 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Thank you, Folly, for your providing further insights into my suggestions.
ISM is great, but it has got to be different from all the other sites showing naked people.  More boobs and butts is not going to do it.  I'm more interested in the person as a whole, rather than the body parts.  I'm intrigued by a regular girl showing something that she ordinarily would not show in public than a professional who makes a living doing it.   Gala's suggestion of new comments for every shoot is great.  Some of the current profiles and comments are 4 years old.  Rather stale, wouldn't you say?


#16 September 12th, 2009 04:12 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Creative collaborations experimental category 
a stream of consciousness as requested :)

ISM has always changed the model as photographers puppet into a new Paradigm of people being in control and taking pictures of themselves. I think those will always be the mainstay of the site. Here there are duets too and many are collaborative creations.  why not develop a category of collaborative creations that could either be pics or videos or both. People taking pics of each other, I thought of this when I saw the beautiful images of Chica from her latest videos, and Chica has also taken some beautiful images of someone else in her blog. 


Having 2 artists working together would free people from having to hold and work the camera all the time, though there's no reason why they shouldn't take pics of themselves as well. The images would still be artist centric and make the kind of still image above possible at ISM.

A collaborative folio could either be one big folio in 2 parts or more rigidly 2 folios, as
Chica's pics of Bobby
Bobby's pics of Chica
The 2 folios could even sometimes be shot in different locations on different days.
or just 1 folio, Bobby's pics of Anyone, not just Osca :) In a Creative collaboration you could expect the unexpected, to experiment and have an anything goes space for new ideas.

Even have an idea that contradicts the title by someone on their own using the cameras timer.


Last edited by blissed (September 13th, 2009 07:04 AM)


#17 September 14th, 2009 11:26 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Here's my wants and dreams for ISM.

1. Contributors that do more than one shoot to have the opportunity to update their profile after each one if they so desire, because I know that for mine at least some of the things I wrote were more relevant to my first shoot (although I'm still on the hunt for John Stamos) and sometimes you were really into a certain thing at the time (a band, tv show etc) that you may not be into anymore.

2. Have a few different message boards like IFM does. One that's for contributors only, an official ISM one, and another that's for whatever - something less-sexual. I know that there's been times when I've wanted to just post random crap about nothing, but felt that it needed to be sex-related in some way when all I wanted to do was talk about how awesome Jim Henson is or some such business.

3. Have the blurbs for each folio when you open them up (I notice they're still there for the videos but not the stills). The blurbs are part of the wicked ISM experience and some of them are rather clever pieces of writing indeed wink

4. Have a prize for the Editor's Pick of the week and possibly make a rule where the editor's pick isn't also the Monthly Art Prize winner. Just because there's so many awesome folios and I'd like to see more people get recognition for their excellent work.

5. The ability to edit your own comments. Sometimes I'll post on someone's page and then later regret what I said or notice spelling mistakes that I wish I could change.

6. I'd also like to be able to check what new comments people leave on my folio pages without having to open up every folio.

Last edited by redbird (September 22nd, 2009 11:12 AM)


#18 September 14th, 2009 11:43 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

A monthly reload prize.  Or even bi-monthly.  And I think the prize itself should be an actual camera, a good compact digital one.

A place for people to post their favourite images - like a cool interactive page.  It would need to be easy to use and it would be so cool and fun - the page constantly turning over images as people upload them.  Each image as you run your mouse over it can give you the artist and folio name and if you click on it, brings it up full size and it you double click (or something) it will take you to the folio. 

It would be a good tool for new members to look at when they first join to see what other people like...

A randomise function would be cool as well.

I second Redbird on an editors-pick prize.


#19 September 14th, 2009 01:29 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I second on the reload prize.  There are so many fantastic reloads and it seems a shame to not be able to acknowledge them.


#20 September 14th, 2009 01:37 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I agree that contributors should be able to update their profiles and I love the idea of being able to make a seperate statement for each folio, like a little backstory, it would be such a great way to give more insight into each folio. Man, that is actually an awesome idea.

I also agree that there should be some sort of prize for reloads, to act as incentive for contributors to continue to strive to make great folios beyond just their primary one.

I also agree that art prize runner ups should be given some acknowledgement, I think it's a great idea to simply say who is a runner up and this might just increase their feckshare, exposure, and incentive to try again for the reload prize!

An ISM podcast sounds like a lot of fun. Would this be a voice podcast alone or a video podcast, Folly?

I can't think of any suggestions of my own, currently, except that I assume the watermark on the images will be updated? I find that bright red text quite distractng, as it constantly draws my eye away from other things I want to be looking at!


#21 September 16th, 2009 07:37 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

I'd ike a way to tag favorites.  Some of these folios are so creative and beautiful, I love it when an artist posts new work and I rediscover them.


#22 September 24th, 2009 02:56 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

good idea Marblehead.
also blissed's experimental category is thought provoking.  Interesting how it expands what we currently have as duets.


#23 September 24th, 2009 10:32 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Favourites is a great idea - updates on your favourites would also be great so you got a notification when one of your favourite artists posted a new folio smile

Prizes for reloads would be great - maybe a few catagories such as bravery medal (I should have got that for the_sights!) or a visionary prize for people who do things amazingly artistic and different... I don't know, maybe I am getting carried away... there are just so many good folios and all good for so many reasons... maybe just a best reload of the month prize would be easier!

Podcasts sound fun too - or artist blogs? Definately a description to go with each folio so we can talk about what we did would be great.

Artist comments as well as folio comments might be cool too - people could post up with overall feedback or ideas for the next reload or just say hi!

A location search for models would also be good - check out my other thread - if I could check models locations (even if it was just country) I could try to set up duets and shoots with local models, I would love to do this but have no idea who to ask!

Hope this is helpful smile

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#24 October 13th, 2009 12:07 PM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

-   I second the motion that we should definitely be able to link back to an artist's folio from their forum posts!

-   Also - the search function is a bit hit and miss - I've been looking for specific     artists a few times and haven't found them easily.

-   Cross-linkage between an artist's ISM, IFM and BA folios, if they have entries on more than one of the sites. A link to their other contributions could be included on their folio's main-page on here. Would encourage much more cross-pollination. AHA - ok, just noticed the banners on the folio front-pages. Forget I said anything!

-  Perhaps each picture in a folio could expand as you roll your mouse over it? That would be really convenient.

-  Perhaps members could have avatars that they choose when they sign up - it adds a personal touch to their posts, and it's fun.

-  I really don't like the idea of introducing search categories ("brunette", "blonde", "big tits", whatever). I think it chops us all up into our composite body parts and reduces our worth as whole people who may be sexy despite of, or perhaps *because* of our percieved divergences from the desired norm.

Last edited by basil (October 13th, 2009 12:59 PM)


#25 October 27th, 2009 08:01 AM


Re: What features would you like to see on ISM?

Video blogs! As an artist I'd like to be able be a little more active on here other than just submitting photos and posting in the forum. The ability to update/personalize my profile would be nice and some type of blog or cam option would be cool too smile


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