#1 September 9th, 2009 01:54 AM


Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

I just cut the photos off my memory card and failed to paste them into a folder - deleting them.... argh!

That little bit of silliness cost me £25 to get some recovery software as I couldnt find anything free that worked sad

So today I worked and earnt a profit of just about nothing at all due to having to buy that and catfood for my hungry little kitty cat...

Moral of the story - copy files! Don't ever cut and paste!



Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#2 September 9th, 2009 07:17 AM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

Good moral and good lesson learned smile

I used to teach computer software and computer usage, and I always made
a point of telling my students ......

"There are only 2 kinds of computer user, those who have lost files,
and those who will somewhere down the road"

Now that you have moved from the "will lose" to the "have lost" you will be
wiser and more savvy, but don't forget the lesson just learned, or you will be
learning it again at some point smile

PS: I am also in the "have lost" category wink

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#3 September 9th, 2009 07:44 AM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

Thing is - it is also the first thing I used to teach junior designers about moving large files over networked drives - in all my years I havent ever done that but alas today was the day not to take my own advice... I suspect eating a large packet of cookies for breakfast and lunch was the initial mistake as my brain overloaded on sugar! lol

They were damn fine cookies though - chocolate cream ones.. mmmmmm


Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#4 September 9th, 2009 11:19 AM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

Now that we've seen the tragic results of cookie overdosing, it can probly act as a warning to everyone else, thanks for posting.



#5 September 9th, 2009 04:05 PM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

Yeah I've been trying to tell a certain editor that for months but she thinks she knows better.   Funnily enough I asked her today when her latest ISM is going up and...she can't find it.  We lost several videos once because somebody was doing a cut & paste and the computer got rebooted.


#6 September 9th, 2009 07:24 PM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

ouch - I hope the artists were able to resend the videos!

I am working on my first video - have NEVER videoed myself before - so you make sure they dont cut and loose (as opposed to cut and paste) that one! This is taking a lot of guts on my part lol - although after flashing in front on London landmarks in broad daylight for the_sights I guess it isn't sooooo scary... hmmm


Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#7 December 10th, 2010 08:21 AM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

i am tryin making a duet folio.
1. i don't know what i've done to my camera, but half of them were on a small size
2. we didn't realize that in too many pictures we were in a bikini
3. we didn't check the photos so many were blurred
4. we met again and tried to make photos

now we send about 400 photos with us and we're waiting for an answer, but as I looked.. neither those pictures are so light and clear

sad bad luck with my duet folio

I am the happiest woman among all women


#8 February 8th, 2011 10:02 AM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

big_smile I don't know if it's stupid, but I made a new folio while I didn't knew that I had to have an invitation to do a reload smile)
But I will still have the photos, but the problem is that it was so cold in the house and for about 2 hours I made the photos.


#9 March 1st, 2011 06:04 AM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

I always cut and paste mine immediately but I think next time, I'll copy them!

"Art can never exist without naked beauty being displayed."-William Blake

Newest folio!
http://www.ishotmyself.com/public/view_ … ?g=quicken


#10 March 1st, 2011 06:13 AM


Re: Stupidest thing I have ever done (regarding cameras anyway!)

you better do that in future! i've sooo learned my lesson with cut/paste..

I am the happiest woman among all women


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