#1 January 29th, 2009 10:15 PM


come nerd out with JETTE!

hi guys,

i'm jette, i just had my first folio put up on the site - even though it's my 'reload' / second shoot!
thought i'd introduce myself properly and properly welcome comments on my folios, as well as talk about anything that takes your fancy.

check out my profile for more detailed interests, but lately i've been obsessed with the new wolverine and xmen cartoon series, deadwood, and the invisibles comics by grant morrison.

come here to chat about useless stuff and nerd out over anything you think we may have in common, or any new things i've missed that i should love!

cheers for now,
and i hope you take the time to check out my folios!

xxx  jette


#2 January 29th, 2009 10:16 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

oh and of course music!!



#3 January 30th, 2009 07:44 AM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

Love your folio, you have a Molly Ringwald flair or similarity, don't think you look like her, but I think you'd act and behave like her  smile
..... and on a baser note,    your breasts are absolutely spectacular  ;-)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#4 January 30th, 2009 09:36 AM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

Do you have any advice for life after Deadwood? I'm not really sure how to go on anymore, everything else (everything, not just TV) just is never going to be as good.
Also have you done Twin Peaks? Not as good as Deadwood but pretty close! xx


#5 January 30th, 2009 10:33 AM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

why thanks ashmedi, it's nice to see people are stopping by!
i've gotten molly ringwald before! (and also thanks, i like my breasts too tongue  )

Bobby - oh my god yes twin peaks! but the first season definitely kicked the second seasons arse!  i know what you mean about deadwood, i've been watching the first season again, and am still amazed that everyone doesn't watch shows of the same caliber! the general public are too busy watching reality tv shows to see that there are shows out there that could change them a little, open their eyes to something beautiful and ugly, shocking and comforting. characters that have layers. like onions. (haha ogres are like onions) here i am rattling on.

there's really nothing like deadwood out now... have you watched OZ? that gets brilliant


#6 January 30th, 2009 01:12 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

Awesome folio, Jette! I really love it, especially the red and green smile Red is my favourite.
I loved twin peaks...well I was addicted to twin peaks for a while when I was meant to be studying for exams, so that might have been part of the attraction to it wink The second season was so rushed and crappy compared to the first. Did you see the movie? I haven't seen deadwood yet, but if you swear by it I shall download it right away wink
It's great to see another Melbournian - did you see my st kilda pier shoot?? Maybe we will bump into each other sometime...in this tiny, accessible city of ours big_smile


#7 January 30th, 2009 07:08 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

Hi Jette,

Loved your folio.  The bright red hair really suits you.  I look forward to other folios and speaking with you on the forum.



#8 January 31st, 2009 09:32 AM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

Nice to meet you, jette big_smile
I'm totally jealous of your ability to pull funny faces and still look cute as a cute thing.
I am also resoundingly nerdcore.
Glad people are still watching Twin Peaks. That show was pretty much the best thing on TV during my adolescence. I remember the agonising wait for season 2 to see if my beloved Cooper was going to make it!
I have retained the skill of tying a knot in a cherry stalk with my tongue for the last 17 years in memory of the show (and also because it's a great party trick).
I have to say, though the storyline wasn't as tight in season 2, I really did enjoy David Duchovny in drag. That guy is a comic genius.


#9 February 2nd, 2009 04:26 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

Jette your folio rocks and I am off to hunt down Deadwood once the clock hits 6pm. If both you and Bobby are obsessed with it, it must be good. It's probably time I watched something other than The L Word... xo


#10 February 2nd, 2009 05:04 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

oh my david duchovny was amazing in twin peaks! haha it nearly slipped my mind!

i'm so glad there are people that like my shoot!  smile
i thought i was on a winning thing when i realized the combination of my hair and the vines and the fence was super colourful and hoped others would find it fun too!

i've only seen the first and part of the second series of the L word. it was pretty good. not my type of writing i guess when it comes down to it.

we've just started watching this new show made by showtime called The united states of Tara, with toni collette. it's gonna be brilliant!  has anyone seen that yet?

i also thought i'd be cheeky and cross-promote tongue  if anyone has an abbywinters.com membership, come visit my thread there and check out my shoots there smile

it's gonna be a little while before my reload is up! 

xx  jette


#11 February 2nd, 2009 07:49 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

Hehe, yeh that's what I was hinting at about maybe bumping into each other - I am with Abby Winters too. See - I wasn't being as creepy as I seemed!


#12 February 3rd, 2009 03:11 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

haha thats funny ashalind you do look a little familiar!
can you say your AW model name here?



#13 February 7th, 2009 09:56 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

so last night i showed my best friends my first folio. they loved it which was awesome. at first they were like "are you sure it's cool to see it?"  and i told them of course! i figure if i can't show this to my best friends, i shouldn't have put it up here for all to see!
and also being able to share something i'm proud of with them was great.

i'm glad people have been naming their favourite shots in the set.
my top five would probably be: (in no particular order)
224,  207,  206,  164, and  24.

i've been listening to johnny cash tonight. everyone else in my house is out and i'm having a quiet night in enjoying cash's brilliance.

hope everyone here is well!



#14 February 7th, 2009 10:30 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

Oh, sorry about the delay. My AW name is Tinneale - come write to me!!


#15 February 7th, 2009 11:41 PM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

jette wrote:

i'm glad people have been naming their favourite shots in the set.
my top five would probably be: (in no particular order)
224,  207,  206,  164, and  24.

hope everyone here is well!


There are so many fav's, but I also like 213, 212, 209, 207, 203, 198, 197, 175, 171, 164, 117, 114, 102, 95, 87, 73, 64, 39, 36, 34, 31, 28, 26, 24, 16, 9, and these are in no particular order, and the more I look at them the more intrigued and entranced I become. I think you have an ageless beauty and will turn heads for the rest of your life wink

I hope you are well and I hope you have more coming to here, or the sister sites, and I'm so fascinated, I would even love a folio of just your adorable face and smile, have a good life smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#16 February 9th, 2009 11:40 AM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

wow! you flatter me you lovely thing!
that's a lot a favs  tongue

meanwhile at AW......  pictures of kitties abound. i love it!



#17 June 23rd, 2009 09:13 AM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

jette wrote:

wow! you flatter me you lovely thing!
that's a lot a favs  tongue

meanwhile at AW......  pictures of kitties abound. i love it!


So glad you made it back, I was wondering .....
I also loved your IFM and your BA submissions, just lovely.

And I am still waiting for a folio with just your face and expression, and maybe
some breasts to keep the pot simmering wink

As I said before, absolutely lovely ............................ *dreaming*  wink

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#18 October 3rd, 2012 03:45 AM


Re: come nerd out with JETTE!

The adorable Jette has just made my day once again wink smile <3 <3

Nice to "see" you again beautiful girl wink smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


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