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#1 March 9th, 2014 11:44 AM



A quick post in the spirit of International Women's Day (which has already been and gone in Australia, but oh well, there is still the other half of the world).
I want to voice my respect, admiration and appreciation for all the beautiful, strong women in my life and those I have not met (including the wonderful Feck contributors). It's so amazing to be involved with Feck, who are doing an incredible job of empowering ladies in an industry where women are usually grossly undervalued.
Whether you identify as feminist or not, I think it is SO important to take a moment to reflect on how far we've come in our battle for equality and how far we still have to go. At risk of sounding like a total cliche, we need to encourage and support each other and not keep quiet when presented with sexism in our every day lives. We also need to acknowledge the different struggles faced by women of different cultural backgrounds. Even though feminism has made incredible progress in western society, there are women all over the world enduring terrors that no one should ever, ever have have to experience.
I'm thinking it would be really sweet if we shared some stories of recent sexism we've experienced, images of beautiful women and maybe throw in some names of women we find inspiring (AM I SOUNDING LIKE A CLICHE AGAIN?!) to reignite our feminist fires! Xo

PS; an expression of gratitude for our males allies/our supportive members and all the wonderful men out there in general. You guys are A M A Z I N G xo


#2 March 11th, 2014 09:44 AM



I love sketches of woman posing in life modelling situations, they look so real and beautiful and dreamlike at the same time. I don't have an example of recent sexism I've experienced - I tend to get a bit feirce and I think people are careful about that sort of thing around me. Else I just have really good people in my lil circles. Nonetheless, not heaps of sexism. Here is a quote I like from an amazing woman:

"I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman." - Anais Nin



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