#1 February 26th, 2013 01:20 PM


Coda by Ray Bradbury

This is being bandied about as an interesting argument against censorship.


I have no idea what's happening in the states (and if you only follow the main-stream media you may have as little of an idea as I do*) but it seems like small groups of hackers are taking over posts of mainstream media.
Is that what's going on? I have no spare time to even check...

* oh shirt, i was going to link to an article about the economic changes and government overthrow in iceland, instead to find out that they are going to ban internet porn... SNAP!
http://www.smh.com.au/technology/techno … 2f2ol.html


#2 February 26th, 2013 01:23 PM


Re: Coda by Ray Bradbury

and now, here is a collection of pics that includes a shirtless Bradbury

http://flavorwire.com/372838/20-highly- … w/view-all


#3 February 27th, 2013 01:26 AM


Re: Coda by Ray Bradbury

I think I'd describe myself as liberal, and large parts of the world Liberal community and Islam have many similarities. Both good and bad. Removing the possibility of temptation rather than learning to moderate it is one. If this happens in iceland, I think a few politicians who voted for it will get caught with porn.


Last edited by blissed (February 27th, 2013 08:35 AM)


#4 February 27th, 2013 09:03 AM


Re: Coda by Ray Bradbury

Well I think Iceland is smart enough to know that there are many work arounds and hopefully it will allow them...


#5 February 27th, 2013 10:27 PM


Re: Coda by Ray Bradbury

I doubt it's possible to remove temptation completely. The Name of the Rose has a couple of good reflections on that theme. I don't know how historically accurate it is actually but Umberto Eco is actually very knowledgeable about medieval history, including occultism.


#6 February 28th, 2013 09:58 AM


Re: Coda by Ray Bradbury

@blissed yep, the politicians create laws they never need follow. typical!

i love how canberra, australia's political centre is the ONLY part of the country where pornography, fireworks, marijuana and herion are legal.

@myself; to clarify, i'm talking about using a VPN or proxy server, essentially to mask the user's IP address. anonymous browsing yo, get on it! this world seems to be increasingly bi-polar... and you need to protect yourself!

@paranoid24; never read the book. what does eco write in relation to censorship or the destruction of pornography??? i'm kinda curious, but got a whole heap of books to get through first. Simians, Cyborgs and Feminism still interest the people around here?


#7 March 1st, 2013 08:51 AM


Re: Coda by Ray Bradbury

The movie is very good. I cannot say much without revealing the plot, but you will understand immediately if you see it. wink


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