#1 February 3rd, 2013 06:30 PM


Boring techy thing....

I was looking through the folios just now and found I can't tell the difference (in the page list at the bottom  [<<Prev 10   <Prev page   11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 .. of 35 |   Next page>   Next 10>> ] ) between the page I'm actually on and the other pages - they all seem to be the same colour. The ones I can click on change to red if I mouse over but otherwise they all look the same! Even tried several monitor settings and made the page large enough to satisfy someone with extreme shortsightedness and still look the same.

So...... is it supposed to do that?


#2 February 4th, 2013 09:26 AM


Re: Boring techy thing....

i hover above the links, and when the cursor doesn't change, then i know what page i'm on. not exactly a work around, but that's my technique.... Good point though mori, i'm sure 'head' will take note of it, and in our next launch of code, we should be able to fix that one up wink


#3 February 4th, 2013 09:32 PM


Re: Boring techy thing....

Thanks wink. I actually noticed it looking for your goldfish girl!

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