#1 September 6th, 2012 11:07 PM


Hi i'm new here!

Hi everyone,

I just recently got my first folio published here and this is my first post here. It's nice to be here and I loved shooting my folio. This was totally first time I'm shooting anything so erotic, so it was very exciting. I really want to keep doing this, cause it's very fun. But not that easy as it sounds!

Anyway, you can post your comments to my folio in this topic or here: http://www.ishotmyself.com/public/view_ … osat_minut

And of course I want get know for others here too. smile


#2 September 7th, 2012 10:14 AM


Re: Hi i'm new here!

Hi Evelina,

Nice shoot! I like the flowers in your hair and the gypsy feel of your folio. Damn, don't I know it's hard to shoot for ISM! I've been shooting my reload for ages, cause I keep getting new ideas, but i think it's just going to be a journal of transformation of the past year. But this thread isn't about me, gawd knows the peeps are probs sick of my dribbling...

Where are you planning on shooting a reload? Have you had a billion ideas yet? I'd love to see some of finland, if you ever get inspired to shoot some of your home town, please do!


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