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#1 July 25th, 2010 06:56 PM



2 lovely folios from a stunning girl and a ba-contribution as well smile
but the given link to ba is obviously wrong sad
1845 belongs to someone else

does anyone have the right number for me, please?


#2 July 25th, 2010 09:28 PM


Re: chipie

All I can do is confirm that BA 1845 is for Laria ...

I checked my info and do not have an entry for Chipie which tells me the BA submission was received after Oct 2009 and after I would have looked at the latest ISM folio otherwise I would have questioned the linkage the moment I noticed it was not a match.

The problem is that ISM links are frequently posted long after I have viewed the folio because the ISM was published first BEFORE the BA submission was published and before the number was known and available.
Unfortunately BA does not post links for me to see there is a new unseen linkage now available on an ISM folio.
And unfortunately ISM has no mechanism to advise viewers that a folio posted days or months ago has new information, and I don't have time to recheck thousand of folios looking for new info, ergo, these fall thru the cracks sad

Lauren or Fi or Head ... Can you identify the correct link for Chipie.

I also do not remember seeing Chipies face on BA but there are so many that I could have seen her and not made the association to the thousands of faces on ISM

Thanks in advance for your assistance smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#3 July 26th, 2010 12:11 PM


Re: chipie

My apologies sirgeorge, there is currently no BA contribution listed for the lovely chipie.  Ashmedi is correct, BA 1845 is the link for Laria.


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