#1 December 24th, 2009 08:38 AM


Affirming words

I am in love with this woman: http://www.jezebelexpress.com Her blog is at: http://bloginatrix.com/ So far it's a great read.

Especially for this entry: http://bloginatrix.com/?p=179#more-179

Here's an extract:

I told them “This is the thing. Sexy isn’t about the number in the waistband of your pants. Sexy is about confidence, and self-respect.”

I told them “You don’t have to love everything about yourself. You just have to find the things you DO love and luxuriate in them - just dive right in and roll around like Scrooge McDuck with a pile of gold coins.”

I didn’t say everything I wanted to say with my mouth. I told them through my movement, and my jokes, and my smile.

With my hips, I told them “There’s no body that’s attractive to everyone. Somewhere out there there’s a guy who thinks the Victoria’s Secret girls look like scarecrows.”

With my breasts, I told them “Look, you’re a woman. This is the body you were given. Enjoy it.”

And with my smile, I told them “Lighten up. It’s a body. Everyone has one.”

And these women, they are intelligent and they are beautiful and they are brave. They are willing to show up at a studio and say “I want to learn to tease”, even though women are constantly threatened and shamed and blamed for teasing. They are willing to take the risk of feeling silly when they want to feel sexy. And, most miraculously, they are open to the possibility that they might be sexy, as is - without a haircut, without a makeover, without dieting- and that, in this world, in this time, in this place, THAT is bravery. That is a fuck-you to Cosmo, to our exes, to the people who dig a world full of holes for women and prey on us when we fall into them.

Being able to stand in front of women who dare to think they might be desirable is a privilege. Being able to tell them “You’re damn right you are” makes me about as happy as I can possibly be made.


#2 December 24th, 2009 04:42 PM


Re: Affirming words

That's fantastic!


#3 December 24th, 2009 09:15 PM


Re: Affirming words

Thanks for sharing smile

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


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