#1 December 2nd, 2009 05:13 PM


viva la difference

Not a great way to start a new post by apologising - so sorry...but I thought I had to comment on the last 2 folios.. Kitkat and Bellebeloved. Yes I heard you all groan.. yet another comparison between hair and none...why do some ladies shave and others don't. From a male perspective and possibly being '' old school '' I can't quite understand the wish to be bare... I honestly believe that having hair be it bushy or trimmed looks far more appealing. As its pictures we look at on this site I don't want to go into the why's and wherefore's of what it feels like etc. etc.   
Looking forward to some interesting comments....


#2 December 2nd, 2009 08:07 PM


Re: viva la difference

There's nothing to say on this subject.  Some ladies like hair, some don't.  It's their option.  Whatever opinions you or anybody else have are entirely irrelevant, and expressing them here doesn't serve any purpose.  This isn't a 'by request' site.   So let's leave it there, shall we?


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