#1 September 24th, 2009 12:56 PM


Redbird here. Do you copy?

Hey all. Wow, my first ever "starting of a forum topic". I better not waste it...........

The reason I'm starting this discussion is because I want to do another photo shoot but I need your help, as I've been stuck for ideas for some months now. Every time I think of something, a new folio will come in featuring my idea (curse those psychic contributors!!). Then when I get another idea for something a bit more obscure, I start to doubt myself and back out of it because I think that it will be too odd and only roughly 6 people will get the reference.

SO. What would you all like to see in a folio? What are you sick of seeing in a folio? Is a Full House themed photo shoot a horrendously BAD idea? Costumes - yay or nay? How exactly DOES Donald Trump's hair work? Will I really marry a beggarman like my cardigan is telling me?? So many questions...

Suggestions and ideas will be met with heartfelt gratitude and a gift basket of fancy cheeses and jams, delivered to you by a specially trained "gift basket delivery" condor.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas people, so get crackin'! (please) smile

Redbird out. xox


#2 September 24th, 2009 02:52 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

first of all: woot!!! you started a forum topic, let this not be the first and last.
second: how on earth would you do a full house theme? would you somehow dress up as each character? Will you do an accompanying video where you do all the voices that Uncle Joey can do? I will contribute by singing "You oughta know" in response.


#3 September 24th, 2009 03:05 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Haha, wow I don't know many people that know that little gem of information (that little "gem" being that Alanis Morissette wrote that song about Joey). For the theme I was thinking of dressing up as each character. But later scrapped this idea when I realised that 1 - Most people wouldn't get the reference and even if they did, who REALLY wants to see a chick dressed up to look like Bob Saget and 2 - I don't have access to a sweet American style San Fran home anyway.


Last edited by redbird (September 24th, 2009 03:05 PM)


#4 September 24th, 2009 04:21 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

You could do a video reinactment of John Stamos' drug induced demise on KerryAnne.


#5 September 24th, 2009 07:29 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

What about a shoot involving cartoon drawing?  Perhaps a shoot of you naked, drawing a cartoon of you naked and somehow involving a superhero.

Last edited by Paulie (September 24th, 2009 07:30 PM)


#6 September 24th, 2009 10:21 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

That's a great idea Paulie... I have often wondered if I should include my artwork somehow in a shoot... but get scared and chicken out! Maybe redbird can be brave and do that for both of us lol!

Redbird - sometimes simple ideas are the best, you only get a small series of photos so you might want to think about a simple idea you can expand as you shoot rather than trying to dress up as different characters... although that does sound fun too...

I wanted to shoot some folios utalising costumes in the past, and generally had a negative reception to the idea as people want to see us being ourselves rather than playing someone else... maybe that has changed in the last few years but the folios people seem to love best are ones which are an expression of self.

Anyway, enough ramblings from me. I hope that helps!

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#7 September 25th, 2009 11:05 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Hey Paulie, thanks for the suggestion. I have thought of doing something involving my cartoons, but I think it might have to be a video or something. Possibly even drawing my cartoons on a larger scale? Hmm...something to ponder.

If you've seen my other folios they're quite simple in terms of what I'm wearing (or not wearing, as the case may be) and my hair and make-up is the same in all of them. I want to do something a bit more dramatic. One that's a bit silly and costumed in some way and the other one....I'm not sure. Maybe something a bit more lady-like perhaps? Something along the lines of what Joana did a few months back. But different. Obviously.

http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … g=kablooey

Thanks for the ideas folks. Keep em' coming!!

Haha, a Stamos related shoot....MAGIC.

Last edited by redbird (September 25th, 2009 03:30 PM)


#8 September 25th, 2009 03:25 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Hi Redbird...a couple of ideas for you....

You could do a 50's/ 60's glam pin-up style shoot with fancy makeup, lingerie or a corset... would be a different look from your other wonderful folios....

Also, maybe a shoot with you wearing a wig in a different color than your red hair...it would be interesting seeing you as a blond or brunette. You could even combine that with the first idea.

Anyways whatever you do I'll look forward to it!


#9 September 25th, 2009 03:39 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Oooo-er... a pin-up theme is a good idea. I have a straight fringe now, so I can rock the 50's style. I'm also quite a fan of corsets although I don't own any. Could be a good excuse to get one though. Thanks for the suggestion. IT'S GOING ON THE LIST.

Brunette or blond hair with red pubes? Haha, that would be hilarious.


#10 September 26th, 2009 05:11 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Maybe dye your pubes to match! lol!

Last edited by alisha-x (September 26th, 2009 05:11 AM)

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#11 September 28th, 2009 10:45 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Redbird, seeing you around the office with your funky, awesome, kitschy, retro, spunky sense of style and knowing your incredibly strange sense of humour really makes me want to see those thing combined somehow...

That being said, the pinup idea is awesome - you in a corset particularly with your hair piled high, overdone makeup and the obvious beauty spot! I think you could rock almost any look, actually, hell, I want to see you with a beehive hairdo! Bwaha!

You could play an old movie style heoroine... I have a small Godzilla toy you could use and place close to the camera to make it seem huge while you scream in horror? You could faint and then recover through the use of smelling salts?

Uhhr... Oh! You should totally be an eighties cartoon character! I would love you forever if you were Rainbow Bright! Or Jen. You could totally be Jen.

The Full House photo shoot idea terrifies me... Bob Saget as a naked lady? Whoa.


#12 September 28th, 2009 11:35 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Hey Ngaio, do you mean Jem as in Jem and the Holograms?


That would be awesome!


#13 September 28th, 2009 11:38 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

If you abandon the Full House idea, particularly the Bob Saget bit, I will be fiercely disappointed in you.  But this wouldn't be the first time.

I used to live in a sweet apartment in SF, and I've got lots of photos of that.  Maybe you can Photoshop yourself into them to get the real 'authentic' FH feel?  But all you really need is an attic bedroom.  There have been many occasions when the entire cast has been crammed into Becky & Jesse's little upstairs hideaway, heart-to-hearting as they do, and that shouldn't be hard to fake.  I'm sure the office would have no objections to playing extras provided that they got to be their favourite characters.  I've got dibs on Stephanie cos I went to uni with her in Orange County.  I didn't have any classes with her as I think we had different interests (imagine!) but I can't imagine anyone here having closer ties than I do.


#14 September 28th, 2009 11:56 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Dibs on being anything other than a f**king Olsen twin.


#15 September 28th, 2009 03:59 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

ZOMG! Jem and the holograms was ace.  I used to have the stickerbook, paint by numbers and numerous videos. Ahhhh 80's kids shows how I love them.


#16 September 28th, 2009 06:03 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

That's the Jem I mean alright, Miss_A! I think Redbird could totally pull it off! Bwaha!

As for Full House... I used to absolute adore that show when I was a kid but when I watched it a couple of years ago, I was extremely disturbed by it somehow. Uncle Jesse creeped me out especially. Brrrr. It put me off the idea of San Francisco until I learned how absolutely NOT like Full House it really is. Now I really want to visit it.

I'd also like to see you as David Bowie from Labyrinth, Redbird. Ok, I admit, I just want to see David Bowie from Labyrinth do an ISM!


#17 September 29th, 2009 10:14 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Maybe if you do a good enough Bowie tribute then he'll decide to come to Oz for BDO afterall. It's worth a shot!


#18 September 29th, 2009 10:48 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Bowie.  I demand a Bowie folio redbird.


#19 September 29th, 2009 10:52 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Haha Ngaio, you've mentioned 2 people there that I've always wanted to dress up as, Rainbow Brite and Bowie in Labyrinth. I don't remember seeing Jem and the Polaroids as a kid (what's it even about? Why does that chick make out with that purple haired guy about 7 times??) but it does indeed look quite awesome. I have no idea how I never saw that show. That scares me some.

Gala, I can't believe we've spent all this sexy time together and you never mentioned that you went to school with Jodie Sweetin... that's mental!! She was my favourite Tanner sister until I saw a picture of her and my "future husband" at the time, Jonathan Taylor Thomas. If a Full house shoot ever happened I was hoping that you'd play Uncle Jesse, but y'know...whatevs...

Miss_A, you can be Becky. We'll get a sexy chap with moussed up hair to serenade you.


#20 September 29th, 2009 05:22 PM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Hmmm, looks like we've got a couple of votes for Bowie now... wink

You know, I can hardly remember what Jem was about... a super cool girl with a band? Iono, I haven't seen it since I was about 5. I tended to be more of a Rainbow Brite and My Little Pony gal. I don't know about a My Little Pony photoshoot, however, I'm not sure it could top Bathory's MLP film on ifeelmyself.com


#21 September 30th, 2009 11:03 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Love the rainbow bright idea, love bowie labrynth and I like other 80s characters that you have mentioned dressing up as, thing is if you put them all in one shoot, there is not enough taking off of clothes!
For a simple 80s idea I'm seeing you, a slinky and some stairs.  Or if you do rainbow bright, put a slinky in the shoot for me.  Hmm maybe you could be smurfette with a blonde wig, blue skin and red pubes.
I love Full House.  When I went to SF I went to see the houses in the opening sequence.  For me they are an icon of Full House not SF.


#22 September 30th, 2009 11:06 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Ooops that was meant to be from Folly but someone has been using my puter!


#23 October 7th, 2009 10:32 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Okay, so here's the ideas that appeal to me so far....

* Bowie through the ages. Red mullet diamond dog days to Labyrinth and beyond.
* 50's pin-up with corset and garter and such and looking polished and made up for once. I'll need a large mirror so I can do the proper poses.
* A relatively basic set where I'm on as many different staircases as possible in various stages of undress with a slinky. Perhaps MANY slinkies. The slinky idea really perked my interest, but has there been one already? I sure as shit hope not.
* A tribute to all my favourite 80's films. I have a red vest for Back To The Future, and I could get a Karate outfit for the Karate Kid. And of course I'd have to pay homage to my favourite 80's girl, miss Molly Ringwald. Bueller? Bueller?


#24 October 7th, 2009 10:59 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

*chants* Bowie. Bowie. Bowie. Bowie.

Why don't you pick 2 of these ideas?  One that you do first that is super fun and quirky and that is easiest props/costume wise.  Then pick another idea that requires some development and accumulation of props and/or costumes.  I vote for this second shoot you do the 50's pinup as it's so different to anything we've seen you do before.

Just my 2 cents wink


#25 October 7th, 2009 11:55 AM


Re: Redbird here. Do you copy?

Hahaha! I love the slinky idea! The pinup idea sounds incredibly sexy and the Bowie idea sounds simply awesome (as does the 80s one) but a -lot- of work! Er... yes!


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