#1 September 5th, 2009 12:35 AM


Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

If your ill and not eating you need reserve fat for your body to use as food. So having some tummy fat and love handles is healthy and part of a healthy shape. As long as your not over your recommended hight to weight ratio you should stay healthy, although some people are naturally bigger than that so I think it's recommended to exercise and then your fine.  Reserve tummy fat, small love handles, buns, thighs and child bearing hips smile are all very voluptuous and to me all look fantastic, especially in a pencil skirt.

And for anyone who wants abs, most people I think have to remove nearly all the fat from their stomach, which means removing nearly all the fat from everywhere. 

Anyway, here's the article that prompted my thoughts here.
http://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/beau … -f947.html

and here's her radio interview


Lizzie Miller wrote:

Many people feel inadequate because they see these carefully posed and lit model images and think those people look like that all the time, they don't.

In fact because of photoshop many probably don't even look like that at all smile


Last edited by blissed (September 5th, 2009 06:56 AM)


#2 September 8th, 2009 06:38 PM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

Hey Blissed

It is good to see someone who isn't obsessed with being perfect and is willing to have a photo showing they are a normal person printed in such a highly recognised magazine. My only worry is that the trend for showing 'real' women is often being led by reality tv (coleens real women, anything with Gok Wang in, Dove beauty adverts etc in the UK) and they are using it as a fad and don't necessarily believe what they are promoting... I hope that isn't the case, or that even if it is that people start to demand real women so they keep it up (rather than move to the next craze) and that it has a positive impact.

I would recommend you hunt out a british documentry by Dawn Porter called 'dawn gets naked' & her first show 'Super Slim Me' as they are really interesting and show the false nature or glamour mags and ads etc as well as fad diets http://www.dawnporter.net/tvprograms.html - She even has herself photoed and photoshop retouched on half the image to prove how much the finished product doesnt look like the person in the naked one! Plus she is absolutely gorgeous and lovely herself and a good reporter - makes taking in the facts much easier smile


Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#3 September 8th, 2009 11:24 PM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

Here are a couple of links which ought to help people see why we like ISM lol! Photoshop is a tool I use everyday - but like all tools it can be used for good or evil - here is a few examples of people demonstrating it's misuse to try to highlight how fake photos can be:



Removing a blemish or temporary aspect (stray hair or bad reflection of flash in eyes or a spot) is one thing but so many retouchers are asked to make people mroe beautiful in ways which they will never look in real life. it is a crazy world we live in.

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#4 September 9th, 2009 09:19 AM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

Thanks for the link, she's great isn't she.

What we're doing at the moment is saying these are real women in those documentaries, while still romanticizing and advocating one particular look in Ads etc and maintaining a very narrow look in fashion too. Though I have a slight problem with those docs, not many people just think "Oh well thats the way I look", most people like to be creative about their appearance and look their best. It's the notion of what is looking our best that fashion can change. Where I think we need to go now is to romanticize and advocate all the the other looks as Rubens the painter did for the cuddlepudge look. That would alter perception, giving us the widest creative freedom to express the way we look, so that when we want to look our best we'll have much more freedom and choice and self respect..


Last edited by blissed (September 9th, 2009 11:46 AM)


#5 September 9th, 2009 04:09 PM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

Ahhhh, see this is why I have a tummy wink

It's in case I'm starving...

Or something.


#6 September 9th, 2009 07:22 PM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

@ gethsemane - hehe

@ Blissed - Dawn's documentries are great - I love the shot where they retouch her face photo so you can see how unlike her it is... real eye opener.

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#7 October 5th, 2009 01:42 PM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

I don't see the attraction in stick-thin girls that are all skin and bones anyway. How hot is it to look like you're starving?

Some of the most beautiful people I know have amazing, womanly curves, gorgeous hips and amazing boobs! My best friend is one of said ladies and often moans at the fact that she is not as slim as I am, which is crazy because our bone structures are completely different - my shoulders are wider than my hips, I'd give anything to have her beautiful curves any day!


#8 October 5th, 2009 07:42 PM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

I like the look of most fashion models I think they look beautiful and elegant, but just using that body type to the exclusion of all others and even only designing clothes for them seems pretty ridiculous and causes resentment from people who are insulted that their virtues and beauty are being ignored.

Designers original design drawings are of very slim people, so perhaps having life drawing classes at fashion school using different body types could be a solution.



#9 October 7th, 2009 09:48 AM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

People always tell me I give the bestest hugs and cuddles, babies love being in my arms too!  You know why?  Because big and pillow-ey breasts, a rounded tummy and fleshiness in the hips is lovely to hold and be held by. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm trying my hardest right now to get fitter and healthier - which includes trying to lose some weight - but I never want to lose my curves and my ability to give great snuggles.


#10 October 7th, 2009 11:46 PM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

People are just built differently... healthyness and happiness are the key! I always get upset that people compare figures like waist size and weight - when what is a healthy size and weight on one person would be completely different aesthetically on another because they are different builds and heights!

I have a taller female friend who weighs about 2 stone more than me - but proportionally we are pretty much the same and have a similar amount of fat / muscle but she still complains that she weighs more... it just isn't good, she looks awsome and she has no idea sad

The same way I sometimes tell people my weight and they go a bit mad at me and tell me to eat more or say I must be anorexic, but my BMI is uber healthy and I am not starving, I am a good size & weight for my petite frame. I was born premature and have always been small, I am just under 5'4" of not much and I happen to think my weight is fine... back me up guys!

I also eat plenty of healthy food and plenty of cakes too... there are some little curves on my hips and tummy, enough to grab and cuddle... yet people tell me off... call me underweight or skinny, I am healthy and slim - I always thought that was a good thing! (grumble grumble).

I really think a lot of problems come with the idea that everyone should be the same shape, size and weight, when we so aren't and if we were, the world would be really boring!

Right, I am going to stop ranting... can you tell a stranger told me to 'stop starving myself' today - I was eating a giant cookie at the time... what is wrong with these people? I don't want to change my weight or stop eating my healthy balanced diet! Argh! If you are slim they tell you that you have a problem and should put on weight, if you are more curvey or larger they say go on a diet, sometimes i think 'they' should just keep opinions to themselves and let people be happy! :s

Ok, really end of rant now...



Last edited by alisha-x (October 7th, 2009 11:48 PM)

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#11 October 8th, 2009 04:23 AM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

alisha-x wrote:

I am just under 5'4" of not much and I happen to think my weight is fine... back me up guys!

Ha ha I'm 11 inches taller than you :) Being 5' 4" and Petite is really nice! and a whole other appeal to being cuddly. Thats the point really, there's a variety of different types of beauty not just one, and within each style of beauty there's quite a large difference between our highest and lowest BMI too ( recommended body mass index) 

Actually I think knowing your petite makes you look more attractive in your pics, I think you should play on that and take some to show scale like standing in front of a door or something :) Yeah Petite is lovely and I have a suspicion adverse comments about you are really born from jealousy because it's pretty obvious your beautiful.


Last edited by blissed (October 8th, 2009 06:34 AM)


#12 October 8th, 2009 08:42 AM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

Just so happens I've just seen a news item about the subject of this thread. I don't know if anyone has any comments about what Hal Rubenstein has to say in the video, after all he is a better looking version of me that I aspire too :)


I think what the magazine has done is establish it's own modeling dept.and so not just cutting out the narrow focus on beauty of the model agencies, but some of the expense of using them as well :)


Last edited by blissed (October 8th, 2009 08:49 AM)


#13 October 8th, 2009 10:22 AM


Re: Reserve tummy fat, abs, body image and photoshop

I wasn't bagging out slim people, I was just saying my cushiness has it's advantages.

When I was at my slimmest I had my family and friends asking me if I had an eating disorder.  One of my friends was overseas and sent me an email asking me if I was self harming (starving myself).

People always have something to say about how you look, as if it's their concern!  (Which obviously it isn't)

As long as you love yourself and you're happy and are able to accept yourself as beautiful no matter what form you take that's the key.


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