#26 March 8th, 2009 09:47 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

blissed wrote:

Don't know about you but I wasn't born with pubes! smile




#27 March 9th, 2009 08:43 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

i want born with underarm hair. but A LOT of us were, hence the natural way..

hair is natural and not just your head hair! haha


#28 March 9th, 2009 03:02 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

illenya wrote:

i want born with underarm hair. but A LOT of us were, hence the natural way..

hair is natural and not just your head hair! haha

Who was born with underarm hair? I didn't grow any until I was 12. I thought that was pretty usual. I've certainly never seen a baby with pubes, but I concede that there may be some.
But then, I do loads of unnatural things: wear cosmetics, ride in/on motor vehicles, even post on Internet forums...


#29 March 10th, 2009 04:35 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

illenya wrote:

i want born with underarm hair. but A LOT of us were, hence the natural way..

hair is natural and not just your head hair! haha

I include both sexes in this. Some women like men to have beards, others don't like them and at the moment most men shave, but at one time nobody did. So  I know what your saying, the hair you have is part of you and it's up to you what you do with it.

Tho if long hairs sprout from you nose and ears it's probly best to trim them a little :)



#30 March 10th, 2009 03:19 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

blissed wrote:

the hair you have is part of you and it's up to you what you do with it.

This is why I resent people saying I *shouldn't* shave/wax/dye/dread/whatever my hair as much as I restent them telling me I should.
It's my hair and if you can't say something positive...


#31 March 10th, 2009 06:00 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

here's what i think... if we were meant to shave we would have been born with complimentary razor blades dangling on anklets of something...

i know some men do like  the "naked/nude" vagina's, but 

1. its highly dangerous, we have, like you, very sensitive skin areas and extra skin... once slip and BAM. you've slit your slit. not enjoyable at all. so why would i wanna risk that? for a smooth vag for 2 days?

(there is no reason)

2. it leaves nothing natural, no hidden forest to find the treasure in.

3. its, like a lot of things, just  something media and the "majority" of erotic and phonographic fans and contributors/ confused people have subconsciously picked up on.

4. un grown hairs. key word (un-grown). they're unhealthy and they hurt.

i know some women like to shave (good on  you for your efforts?)
buy hey.. im a woman and here is  my forum comment.


#32 March 12th, 2009 01:14 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

illenya wrote:

here's what i think... if we were meant to shave we would have been born with complimentary razor blades dangling on anklets of something... .

We're born with a human mind, that means we can try and do anything we can imagine even work out that nothing in the universe is meant to be but just temporarily exists. Purpose and intention are products of Animal minds and that includes ours. I can't believe I'm writing all this in a thread about pubes :) Lol

illenya  I think your kind of rebelling against a pressure you feel to look a certain way. Rebellion is a state of discontent, if you feel empowered then you stop rebelling, that'll get rid of the negative emotion and then you can relax and be comfortable with what you prefer knowing there are people who respect that and then you can be happy to accept that those same people can like something else.

I wonder if I could take a degree in pubic hair and it's social significance, I'd definitely pass and it would look great on my resume :)



#33 March 12th, 2009 12:30 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I'm beginning to feel kind of frustrated in reading this thread.  Its pretty apparent to me that no one is 'right' because no one way of doing anything is ever right for everyone.

People should do what they feel confident, comfortable and happy doing - but ultimately its your choice and decision - I don't need to be preached to about how to have or not have my body hair.

Its good to share opinions and thoughts on the topic, I mean, I underwent a total bodily hair revolution via the discussions on the IFM forum but people need to understand that whats good for them isn't necessarily good for all.

So my message is:  Do what you want to do!  To have or not have body hair is a personal choice so think about it for yourself and do what feels good and right for you.  Its like a hair style, its transient and something you can change as you change.

But in the end no matter whether you are hairy or not - love yourself, cos thats the most important bit smile


#34 March 12th, 2009 01:51 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

sorry but i hardly think that not shaving my pubes is rebellious, re-read number 3. i don't feel any pressure to act or shave any part of my body in order to please people haha. i feel very sorry for the people who do...... ...... very...sorry....

hehe.. im very comfortable just the way i am.


no one is trying to tell anyone what to do, as i mentioned im a girl with pubes and i had my forum comment. i was only informing you of dangers (like cutting yourself, which is an accident waiting to happen)...

and funny things and my opinion.... and ....  just having pubes. im a pretty humorous person, i can see you are too (by your post)
and thanks for your attempted psychology but i was just giving my words, not asking people to stop shaving.


Last edited by illenya (March 12th, 2009 01:58 PM)


#35 March 13th, 2009 03:13 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I think we all need a group hug smile



#36 March 13th, 2009 11:31 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

*hugs group*


#37 March 13th, 2009 12:06 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

hugs group. with love and hugs and groups. haha. smile


#38 April 20th, 2009 04:51 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

i like it smooth i mean shaving rash sucks but meh i dare say it has ABSOLOUTLY has Nothing to do with reminding anyone of a 10 year old it has more to do with when you have a tiny g on and chunks of pubes hanging out is not the most attractive thing but each to their own
x's & o's


#39 April 20th, 2009 05:09 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

ive never seen such hectic comments bout pubes lmao


#40 April 23rd, 2009 01:39 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Hi guys,

I find I feel a bit more naked than naked if completely bare and I like the tickling sensation of someone running their fingers through my dark hair. But I do keep it very trim and neat (as you probably spotted on my folios). I remove all other hair such as on my arms and legs as I don't like it. Not sure why - I just never have.

I have dated girls with all combinations of hair down there and it really hasn't bothered me. I tend towards trimmed rather than very hairy or completely smooth. But if I fancy a girl I am unlikely to care by the point I see their hair how they keep it!

Pornography has made bare very popular - it also means you can see everything explicitly which some people find a turn on. I don't think many men like it as a young girl thing (if they ask you to shave and wear a primary school uniform however become a little worried!) - I think some like the porn star look and others just don't like hair. Men I have known have shaved their armpits and their pubic area and I think this is on the increase. Fashion is just evolving - something entirely different might be in vogue in a few years. I did see a small trend for dying pubic hair into shapes like hearts which was kinda silly - but kinda cute at the same time - whatever floats their boat!

I am all for diversity, so I recommend trying everything until you find what makes you feel sexy!

For any of the hairy girls - how about a folio where you try out a whole range of styles? lol smile

Alisha X


Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#41 June 22nd, 2009 11:47 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I, for one, like my women with pubic hair.  I'm not too fond of unshaven underarms & legs, but, that's just my personal preference.



#42 July 2nd, 2009 08:55 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I think you look gorgeous! big_smile

personally, i like being smooth all over, theres something about being fuzz-free that makes my skin extra tingly when it comes to play time!


#43 July 9th, 2009 04:47 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Oh - I feel strongly about this topic (for myself - how anyone else likes their body hair is their own business, and they have a right to their choice).

Have a squz at my folio...hairy all the damn way! I trim my pubic hair back a tiny bit because it looks like a fancy Austrian moustache if I don't (which has actually been good comedy value on occasion), and I also really like to be able to see the form of my vagina underneath the hair. I stopped shaving my legs and armpits completely in 2003.

I've had a few comments about the armpit hair that have shocked me really badly - once I was on the street in Brisbane in summer wearing a singlet, and a guy came out from a beergarden and said I was "a good looking chick", but that the armpits were "letting me down". I told him how much I valued his opinion (ha ha), and he got aggressive and said "Oh, are you some kind of dyke or something!?" WTF???

With partners, though, they're usually really into the armpits, and I find it really sensual on other women when they're left natural. 

Personally, (hello controversy...) I think men who can't and won't accept a hairy armpit are intimidated by the signs of a woman's raw sexual maturity. Sure, we can all like boobies and bums, but there's more to the physical signs of adulthood than where we simply deposit body fat! (This is disregarding all of the mental aspects of maturity for the sake of the 'hair vs none' question.) This kind of guy says things like "it's more feminine when it's smooth", and "I just don't like it" but they often don't examine the root feelings behind these assertions.

I'm totally fine if a guy isn't used to it BUT he can learn to accept or like it - but I can't respect a man who is just disgusted by it (I've met a few...) and won't open his mind to any ideas on sexuality that aren't fed to him by channel 10. (Oh - Kylie Minogue has a new underwear line out? Now THAT'S newsworthy...)


#44 July 9th, 2009 05:09 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

Basil, I couldn't agree with you more! I'm sure there's some kind of 'tradition' involved with shaving underarms - but I think it's a weird tradition. Surely we have hair for a reason? As I've opined elsewhere, I think you look terrific, and may your underarm hair remain!


#45 July 11th, 2009 11:18 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

basil wrote:

once I was on the street in Brisbane in summer wearing a singlet, and a guy came out from a beergarden and said I was "a good looking chick", but that the armpits were "letting me down". I told him how much I valued his opinion (ha ha), and he got aggressive and said "Oh, are you some kind of dyke or something!?" WTF???

You should've told him his mouth is letting him down.



#46 July 14th, 2009 03:21 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I wonder whether we grow up conditioned to the idea that body hair is one of the things that's different between the genders - men have it and women don't.  As a consequence, some men are effronted by it because it blurs the gender boundary in their perception.  I would be curious to know whether men who are bi, bi-curious or just not particulary committed to one gender or another, also have an aversion to body hair on females.  Anybody?


#47 August 19th, 2009 12:17 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I think it is also a cultural thing. If you look back at our history women only started shaving their legs in the western world when hollywood movies started doing it and 50's women imitated them. The introduction of the movies and full colour photography and advertising created an artificial idea of an ideal beauty. Women tried to copy what they saw and men were sold this image as the perfect woman as well, reinforcing the stereotypes further.

Hairy women are seen as many people as less feminine, and that is partually because overly hairy darn haird men, often with big muscles and cropped hair, are seen as more masculine. But as with male stereotypes, not everyone wants their women to look like fully shaven barbie dolls. I know plenty of women who think body builders, the absolute male image, are hidious as I do men who think the completely shaven blond tanned leggy woman is hidious. I think men are just often under more pressure to pretend to believe it because the ideal in the media is still the same woman! The male ideal ranges from bodybuilders to CK models and Just for men 'regular guys' on TV. Plus male role models chosen by women as sex symbols such as Jonny Depp (I soooo would!) are edgy and different and have a variety of looks... where as too often in the west mainstream female beauties are all the same still. Most guys I know will go so far as to say they dont care about female body hair. As in, if their girlfriend doesnt shave for a few weeks they really dont mind... which is a step forward. A few say they prefer slick all the way for ease of access, which is fair enough if they prefer it, some say a little hair is nice to tickle. But I dont know many who openly say they prefer very hairy. They tend to say it in private only, which is a real shame as it makes it less likely girls who want to be hairy will throw away their razors since they don't know it is acceptable.

I think being gay or bi can have some effect on it. But not much. I am bi-sexual and I tend to prefer less hair, not completely shaved off (though that is ok as long as it is done well and not stubble!) but I dont particularly like arm and leg hair or chest hair on anyone. Equally I won't kick someone out of bed for not shaving, but many of my boyfriends have shaved their underarms and arms and chests and I did prefer it when they did... I do tend to go for the anything but a bodybuilder look so perhaps my preference for less hair is based on a slightly more femine look... I don't really know...

Have any of the other bi-sexual girlies on here found the same time? Or do you like your men to be ruff men and your girls to be pretty girly - or even do you prefer girly boys and butch girls? It is an interesting thought...


Alisha x

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#48 August 21st, 2009 08:00 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

i think that hair is better than shaved but i think you should mix it up, shave bits, makes little designs in your pubic hair or shave it all off.

i think hair gives texture but shaved allows a better visual.
it all depends on the kind of photos you are taking i recon.

but thats just me smile


#49 August 22nd, 2009 02:54 AM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

I did know a girl who died her hair pink and shaved it into a heart for valentines day - that was pretty cute! I also some saw photos online once somewhere advertising extentions for pubes - little multicoloured dreds and braids... some of it seemed a bit awkward to fit into tight jeans to me... but very striking! lol

Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#50 August 31st, 2009 11:50 PM


Re: hairy or not hairy???

not hairy for sure cause for me its look more clean.


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