#1 June 28th, 2003 10:17 PM


Welcome to Project_ISM

Please, post anything you like about our new web site.


#2 July 1st, 2003 12:16 PM


Re: Welcome to Project_ISM

Congratulations on your efforts. Augustine said the Self knows it is unique, awesomely important and special beyond understanding, the problem is achieving an equality between the inner and outer world(and there are good and bad ways of going about this). Is that what Warhol was getting at 1500 years later? Or was he saying a human's worth can be measured by the scale of mass media in 15 min? Or none of that? Anyway that comment was invited by the intro that frames this site. To all you bodies out there - yes you are special "if anything is sacred then the human body is sacred, for the body is in the soul".

(Jamie that goes double for you)


#3 July 6th, 2003 04:47 AM


Re: Welcome to Project_ISM

I must admit something to you and I will eat humble pie. At first I wasn't too sure about this site, to be honest I didn't like it, but now you've introduced the zip files and I've had a chance to look at the photo's properly, I absolutely love it.

I'm sorry for ever having doubted this project, the angles, the different perspectives are just suberb. I just want to say a big thanks to all the girls who've submitted the photos so far and to all the other girls soon to be on this site.


#4 July 6th, 2003 07:54 PM


Re: Welcome to Project_ISM

Thanks for your stamp of approval, cbguy.  In a few days we'll be showing the first of many shoots done entirely into a large mirror whcih dramatically increases the field size - the whole subject fits into the frame.  It's an absolutely magnificent folio, so much so we've used the idea many times since.  Hope you stick around to enjoy them all.


#5 July 7th, 2003 11:40 AM


Re: Welcome to Project_ISM

The new sets sound very interesting and I look forward to seeing them. I will definately be sticking around this site for many months to come.


#6 July 12th, 2003 01:52 PM


Re: Welcome to Project_ISM

I'll second that... however, to the contrary, I found this site immediately appealing.  Women displaying the their sexuality for the camera (in the hand's of a male) is not a new concept however, exploring themselves in this way and without any external influence comes across as a form of self-gratification (i.e. visual masturbation).  I'll be anxiously waiting to see what new folios are posted in the days, weeks and months ahead.

I'll be particularly interested in seeing folios submitted by women outside of Australia and with their own cameras.


#7 July 23rd, 2003 12:51 AM


Re: Welcome to Project_ISM

Head wrote:

Thanks for your stamp of approval, cbguy.  In a few days we'll be showing the first of many shoots done entirely into a large mirror whcih dramatically increases the field size - the whole subject fits into the frame.  It's an absolutely magnificent folio, so much so we've used the idea many times since.  Hope you stick around to enjoy them all.

What ever happened to the shoots in front of a large mirror.  Your email said a couple of days and its been a couple of weeks with no sign of them. (???)


#8 July 23rd, 2003 01:30 AM


Re: Welcome to Project_ISM

You didn't see Jesse_James?  That was the first 'big mirror' shoot.  There's another coming up on July 25th.


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