#1 October 17th, 2003 06:31 PM


Feedback on the site navigation?

We're making changes to the site layout and would be interested in your feedback on ease of navigation, speed etc.  What changes would you like to see in the layout, search facilities and stuff?


#2 October 22nd, 2003 11:58 PM


Re: Feedback on the site navigation?

Actually, I love the site navigation, and belive it is simple, efficient and uncluttered.  So, the following are just some brainstorming ideas that may or may not be useful.
It still would be good to be able to search for particular calender dates of models, as well as names, though, as I work my way through your archives, I get a bit confused by the double ups in titles; eg Zoe is under 'Z' of course, but also under 'W' for Wayward. .. Seems a bit of overkill. Great to see the girls give their folio a title, but is it needed in the search function?
Also, although the thumbnails are great, there's a lot to be said about the sensual art of gradually discovering each models successive pictures.  Like slowly peeling away layers, I actually cover up the thumbnails, so as not to spoil the end, and very carefully work through a folio.  It's like a model is slowly letting me discover her.  I know this might not be everyone's taste, but a facility to read the profile and then click slideshow-like 'next' buttons would be fantastic.
This would be at the top of my wish list, if you revamped the site.
Because you asked for feedback, and no-one has replyed yet, I'll keep going...
Would it be too much to ask that maybe a low-res picture of the day's artist be sent to subscribers?  I try to check the site each day, but it gets impossible, and it would be nice to see a pretty face each day in the mail at least.  I imagine the logistics and bandwidth of such a request would be a nightmare... but maybe you could keep it in mind for a future thought.  What about sending a small picture only to subscribers who request it?...
Lastly, and I know I am pushing it here, but it would be great to have the artist's statement as a small audio file to download.  The images are amazing and the quality and detail are what keeps me coming back for more... it's just that I would kinda like to hear their voices, to complete the idea that it is a personalized art project.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to air my ideas, obviously I am a fan, and love the work you have done to set all this up, well done, walden2001


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