smrapp says...
It just keeps getting better and better with each folio! Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures!
8:37AM Oct 3rd 2015
KnickerSnicker says...
marina_l, this has been a stunning folio of you and find your smile and more expressions captivating. You remind me of Chrissie Hynde (spelling?) of the Pretenders. Whimsical approach to your under carriage shots were delightful too. Bravo! I look (hopefully) to more contributions too. Cheers P.S. Must admit it had to be a bit cold outside because your skin has all of those "chilly-bumps" everywhere. Imagine it may have given you a thrill to be outside too.
6:27AM Oct 3rd 2015
maskedman says...
You're a feast for the senses Marina. Fantastic folio and a terrific bod. Your 'goose pimples' provide an extra texture ..and create goose pimples for the viewer. A vision from head to toe.
4:41PM Oct 2nd 2015