playtex says...
i like!
10:53AM May 22nd 2011
typhoon62 says...
Absolutely stunning! My favorites are # 1 through #198, and everything in between.
7:35AM May 8th 2011
DystopianBlues says...
Sigh I'm besotted! But then I am mildly obsessed by women with blonde peach fuzzy thighs, so sexy! You are awesome, thank you for sharing and I hope you reload a zillion times. 094 and 032 are firm faves but 020 is a work of art! xx
9:12PM May 7th 2011
troy_ism says...
Holy cow--this set is beautiful. Thanks!
10:39AM May 6th 2011
artemesia says...
Oh me oh my, this folio is special indeed. You weave with sunlight and shadows and turn out such a fine web honeybird.
1:05AM May 6th 2011
markwrx says...
Beautiful - everything about it - the composition in 130 and 186, the subject, the lighting...
6:23PM May 5th 2011
JS9Reno says...
Thank you so much for this reload and especially for showing more of your amazing legs! Easily some of the most beautiful shots I have ever seen. Number 84 is a particular delight.
12:35PM May 5th 2011