Burn1ngMan says...
Some great original compositions & beautifully-lit hot shoot!
4:15PM Sep 21st 2017
trevor says...
Ah, and Lorelai, let me add that I wish you would become a regular contributor as well to the ISM forum. You are so bright and I'm sure you would have much to say of interest.
2:23PM Jul 31st 2015
trevor says...
Lorelai, I've been impatiently awaiting your return since your magnificent debut on the ISM stage. Now we have this stunning folio and I applaud and call again, encore, encore... You are so beautiful, sexy, intelligent, funny, witty, postively erotic without any dark side -- you are light and lightness itself. Your body and your poses and your photography take my breath away and send me over the moon and back. As with your first folio (ah, the viola), I will be returning to view this second one many times. In fact, your first folio was what induced me to join ISM. What a wonderful woman you are. Thank you so very much.
2:20PM Jul 31st 2015